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Scale imported SVG file

Message 1 of 6
241 Views, 5 Replies

Scale imported SVG file

Hi all,


I would like to ask a help, because I can't use the Dimension tool on an imported SVG file. I traced a scanned image in Inkspace and I am trying to import this SVG file in Fusion 360. What is the correct way to fix this issue? I attached the SVG file.


Screenshot 2024-01-13 at 19.28.19.png

Message 2 of 6
in reply to: adriankoooo

Insert menu > Insert SVG, 

you can position it, and Fusion will lock all the sketch articles, green .


Window Select the whole sketch and Unfix (padlock Constraint). Turns blue.


Modify > Scale, select anchor point ( must not be selected as an object to Scale), set scale factor.


That as a native sketch would be quicker and more efficient without the SVG Import drama.


Might help….


Message 3 of 6
in reply to: adriankoooo

If you need, please attach the original SVG file for a demonstration.

John Hackney, Retired
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Message 4 of 6

@adriankoooo wrote:

 I traced a scanned image ….

Attach the original scanned image file here.

No other software or svg file is needed.

Message 5 of 6
in reply to: adriankoooo


If you want to dimension the sketch, you must first unfix  it.
Then you can add dimensions and conditions such as horizontality, perpendicularity ... 
Unfortunately, the quality of the sketch is so poor that I would create it from scratch. Avoid curves and chamfers, they can be better created later on the body.





Message 6 of 6


This will be easy to fix.

In your original svg file the two "vertical" lines are at a slight 0.01170551 deg angle.

What is the true Horizontal distance that you want?



Edit dimensions to whatever you want...






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