Save As command won't let me change project/folder


Save As command won't let me change project/folder


Using "Save As" I typically save my own copy of a part/assembly into my own separate project folder, so that any changes/saves I make don't overwrite the original project/save file that my entire shop accesses and collaborates on.


It has worked flawlessly in the past, now when I try to save as, it won't let choose my home project as a destination.

It seems to only allow me to save a copy into the same project and folder as where I've opened it from.

Possibly because I'm not a moderator on the project? This worked in the past many times regardless.


A workaround is to export a step file to my computer and then reopen it and save it into my own project, but it's more steps and like I said it worked great using Save As before.

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3 Replies
Replies (3)

Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support

Hello @justinnweigel,


thanks for posting! To clarify, are you referring to the option "Save Copy As" when clicking a component from a browser tree or to "Save As" option available from the File menu?


Thanks in advance!


Best regards,

Paweł Potyrała
Technical Support Manager

Global Product Support
My Screencasts | Fusion 360 Webinars

Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support
Accepted solution

Hi @justinnweigel,


I just tested the functionality of both "Save As" and "Save Copy As" on my PC.

As mentioned in the help article on Saving Documents in Fusion 360, if your design contains design references, you can only save in the same project. Here's an example of a model with one referenced component (Knife) and one "independent" component (Box):


Knife + BoxKnife + Box

  • File -> Save As is only possible within the same project, because the model contains a link to Knife
  • Save Copy As on the component BOX is possible both within the project and to other projects (because there is no link here to other parts)
  • Save Copy As on the component Knife is only possible within the same project, because the model contains a link to Knife.

Is your case similar?


Best regards,

Paweł Potyrała
Technical Support Manager

Global Product Support
My Screencasts | Fusion 360 Webinars
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Thank You!