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really need 4th axis to 360 degree wrap fellas.

Message 1 of 12
473 Views, 11 Replies

really need 4th axis to 360 degree wrap fellas.

i cant do no 4th axis milling magic with fusion if it wont wrap 360 degrees for me without funky work arounds. are we any closer to resolving the issue?t1.PNG

Message 2 of 12
in reply to: Anonymous

Hi @Anonymous


Thanks for posting. I see a fair amount of cases on this limitation and hope to see fully cyclical wraps allowed by Fusion 360 in the future.


Along with the workarounds discussed in this thread and this thread, you could attempt to create Flow toolpath with a 4x limit. To do so, you'll need to enable CAM beta mode with the text command "cam.betamode/on." With that said, Flow and the 4x limit are still in beta and may show some issues at this time.


I've reached out to the development team to see where this stands on the roadmap and pass along your comments - we appreciate you reaching out. I'll keep you posted with any information I can share from the team on this thread.



Paul Clauss

Product Support Specialist

Message 3 of 12
in reply to: paul.clauss

is there a way in the software to just rotate the 4th axis so many degrees? or will i just have to edit the post to turn so many degrees and repeat operation.

Message 4 of 12
in reply to: Anonymous

Hi @Anonymous


Thanks for posting. It sounds like you are trying to use the fourth axis for indexing/positioning/3+1 machining, which Fusion can certainly do.


I would recommend starting out by watching this video. While it shows Inventor HSM rather than Fusion, the concept of using tool orientation (and everything but the UI) is the same. For a more detailed dive into 3+1 machining in Fusion, please give this video on 4 axis tombstone programming a shot.


I hope this helps. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Paul Clauss

Product Support Specialist

Message 5 of 12
in reply to: paul.clauss

i can now index it but the post does not set the angle of rotation . it runs perfect on screen but not on machine. it asks for angle.

Message 6 of 12
in reply to: Anonymous

Hi @Anonymous


Thanks for the response. 


What post are you using? What machine are you using?


What is the specific error message being shown at the machine? It is possible that this issue is unique to your machine.


Would you mind sharing the file you are working with?



Paul Clauss

Product Support Specialist

Message 7 of 12
in reply to: paul.clauss

angle of rotation not specified line 13942. fanuc pose on centroid controller. atrump mill. post works flawless except on this rotation20180912_144852.jpg 

Message 8 of 12
in reply to: Anonymous

ignore the b45 on that line would not really be there . but ether way its the same responce

Message 9 of 12
in reply to: Anonymous

Hi @Anonymous


Thanks for the response. Please share the file you are posting out with me using the link in my previous post and we will have a look - I'm really not sure if this is a controller or CAM issue with the current information.

Paul Clauss

Product Support Specialist

Message 10 of 12
in reply to: paul.clauss

Message 11 of 12
in reply to: Anonymous

Hi @Anonymous


Thanks for posting. I think this may be an issue with how rotations are read by the Centroid controller.


The Fanuc post is outputting IJK coordinates for the rotation, which the Centroid controller is not reading correctly. I'm not sure exactly what the Centroid controller is looking for, but it could be that it does not read the IJK commands output by the Fanuc post.


We do have a generic Centroid post that I was able to add a fourth (A) axis to using the procedure at this link. This outputs the rotation in ABC coordinates, which may allow your machine to read it. The post is attached to this thread -  you can install it using either of the techniques below:

I hope this helps. If you continue to see errors at the machine, I would strongly recommend reaching out to Centroid to determine the cause, as this seems to be controller specific.

Paul Clauss

Product Support Specialist

Message 12 of 12
in reply to: paul.clauss

the haas post with a axis picked it right up and reads correctly on the centroid controller. the centroid post not so much. so haas post it is 🙂 thank you for your time

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