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Poor Local Render Quality

Message 1 of 4
4048 Views, 3 Replies

Poor Local Render Quality

Good morning,

I am having a bit of a problem with the local renderer. The quality is awful, it is outputting stuff thats a worse quality than the screen preview, it loses most of light mapping and replaces entire faces with block colour, the edges are blurred and the overal picture quality is pretty blurry and poor. The settings are on maximum quality and I have tried outputting in both PNG and JPEG.


I refuse to use cloud rendering, its a scam. Any process that dosent have a preview option and dosent have a guaranteed outcome (rendering, shape optimization, generative design etc) should be considered a trial and error process and not cost money, at least only for the final outcome. Now I fear Fusion are downrating the quality of the local processes to enforce this, local rendering has been better than this in the past.


So yeah, sorry to rant, but if anyone has any suggestions to improve this I would be very grateful.Picture1.pngPicture2.png

Message 2 of 4
in reply to: Anonymous


I've always noticed that the cloud renderings were a little bit better than the local ones and I'm sure there are technical reasons for that... I guess. But I just think it's weird that they charge the paying users for the cloud rendering feature. Why not charge the free users if they want better renderings and give it to the paid users as part of the service? seems the way they are doing it now is totally bass ackwards.


But anyway, I haven't noticed it getting any worse recently. I would first double-check your rendering settings. make sure you're not in the piss-poor "WEB" section and nav on down to the "CUSTOM" tab where you can go up to 4000x4000 pixels. 

render settings.jpg


Then I would make sure  your "SCENE SETTINGS" are tweaked for exposure & brightness. maybe try dragging a new scene in for a different lighting feel, or even upload a bespoke, Eastern European HDRI from 


scene settings.jpg


if your renders are still janky maybe you do have some kind of render bug? that's above my pay grade tho.

Message 3 of 4
in reply to: Anonymous

From your screen shots, I only see what I'd expect to see with blocky shapes like that, in dark lighting, with plain metal materials.


Have you tried other materials, other lighting sources, and angles? I'm hoping you can show me what a "good" rendering looks like next to the ones you are unhappy with, using a similar model, materials, and lighting. My intent is to repeat this to find out if it's a bug or just your computer.


Since I mentioned it, have you restarted your computer lately? Or tried In Canvas rendering to compare with local rendering?

Phil Eichmiller
Software Engineer
Quality Assurance
Autodesk, Inc.

Message 4 of 4
in reply to: Anonymous

Hi  @Anonymous,


thanks once again for reporting this! The outcome seems to be caused by a ground plane being rendered when using either local or Cloud rendering. I reported this to the development team already.

The current workaround is to use In-Canvas rendering option.




Best regards,

Paweł Potyrała
Technical Support Manager

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