Option to turn off icons and bring back [+][-] buttons PLEASE!


Option to turn off icons and bring back [+][-] buttons PLEASE!


Noticed this new "feature" - icons for some menu items, icons that were not there before, don't get me wrong, I like icons, they are great, but why are they in these menu windows?! Windows are small, narrow, and icon is tiny, and uninformative, AND it pushes the text, the thing that I'm actually looking for, away out of the text box, and the whole window isn't re-sizable to make the whole text fit so I can read it without having to click on it to open the drop down menu - that is really really bad UI design, it is cluttery and forces user to click through menus which can cause mistakes, and mistakes in CAM can get expensive really quick.


I heard that removing the +/- buttons in CAM (or other) toolpath menu windows was done for some odd compatibility or clutter reason, but then you add icons that are just in the way?!


Why something like this is even being in development? I know this will sound cancel-culture-ish, but wouldn't it be better to have some sort of a poll or a vote for features like these, you know, from people who actually use it and pay for it? Because clearly the decisions for these things are made by people who don't actually use it to make money, because both the +/- button removal and now introduction of these useless icons are COUNTERPRODUCTIVE


edit: and icons look way bigger in these pictures, but they are actually 4!!! mm tall on my 4k screen with dpi already turned up a bit so everything isn't all tiny



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expand menue.png




I know this can be done by hand, but it has to be done every time! This window scaling/resizing has been a problem since I use this software (3+ years), and instead of fixing the automatic window sizing so text is visible, they work on useless icons that cause an issue, and solve nothing...


besides that, another annoyance - you can't resize that window without first dragging it away from that side, so, again - 2 actions necessary where 1 SHOULD suffice - allow resizing of that window while it is docked to the right side

AND on top of that, close Fusion, open again, and you're back to square 1 - drag and resize it anew, since it doesn't apparently bother to remember the position/size of those windows


SO, how about fixing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ these things before introducing useless tiny 4mm icons that are uninformative and totally unnecessary


edit: OK, this is getting better and better, so instead of grabbing that window border anywhere on the left side, there is ANOTHER TINY icon you CAN use to resize it without undocking.............. I mean, WHY? Remove the tiny icon and allow grabbing any border - 1 less tiny icon and increased functionality, which works like in most any other "windows" UI environment 


here, have a look at this pic - that tiny icon topleft is what you use to resize the window ONLY horizontally, would you even look for it when you mouse over the borders and the cursor doesn't change to resize? And once you undock it, then this icon goes away and NOTHING tells you that you can now resize it from bottom right corner.... where is the logic in this?!
