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My Projects Disappeared And I Got Booted From My Own Team


My Projects Disappeared And I Got Booted From My Own Team

Not applicable

I’ve been working on a student license for the past month or so, and today I got an email, twice (which was strange in itself), that my account had just been accepted, which was confusing. I had been using the license for a while already. I logged on and found all of my data missing, and I couldn’t get back onto my team. When my teammate attempted to invite me back, I couldn’t receive the invite via my attached email.


When my teammate tried to request access to my files on the team folder, I received an email for that, but it led to an infinitely reloading team management screen.


the point is, I can’t get to my files. Has anybody else encountered these circumstances? Could an admin take a look at this?

7 Replies
Replies (7)

Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support

Hi @Anonymous ,


From what I can see you should have full access. If you visit can you access and see your files or is there an error.


In Fusion 360, if you click your name in the upper right hand corner, you will see a switch teams option. Can you switch to this Team Hub? Does the option exist?



James Youmatz
Product Insights Specialist for Fusion 360, Simulation, Generative Design

Not applicable

@James.Youmatz No, I cannot switch to the teamhub in 360. When I go to, my projects are there, but the page infinitely reloads so that I cannot interact with anything. Even when I stop the reload to try to click on something, clicking on any of my projects will continue the infinite reloading. Both of these have happened on all of the three computers I've tried.

This exact thing has happened to two other people in my class just today.


Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support

Hi @Anonymous ,


Can you try the following for me:


1.) Launch an incognito browser

2.) Visit this URL: 

3.) Is the constant refresh happening? If yes, hit Escape to stop the refreshing then move to next step

4.) Click your user profile in the upper right

5.) Select sign out

6.) Sign back in


Did this solve it?

James Youmatz
Product Insights Specialist for Fusion 360, Simulation, Generative Design

Hi there,

Sorry to hear this is happening; it occured to me once in the past but it went away before I can capture it to share with our engineering team.

On one of your machines, kindly hit F12 to open Chrome devtools (assuming you use chrome) and go to Networking tab, then repeat your looping and grab a screen or select copy/paste or extract the lines from there? It may have something important to eng to see and fix this. If you are not comfy with that, please reach to our Support and they’ll help you capture the issue there.

On the other machines...
- Please try to go to and logout from there. Close all your browsers and try going to your team site again.
- If that doesnt work, please go to and if you land on a individual dashboard, logout from there, and repeat the close browser steps and relogin to your team site.
- last resort, clear your browser cache. It is possible browsers running in background to maintian some ol’ cached data that for whatever reason is not clearing when you close all browser tabs and windows. here, I recommend you disable chrome running in background and system tray.

Hope this helps, and hope you help us get insight as to why this is happening via the devtool trace,


Martin Gasevski | Fusion 360 Team Product Manager
1 Like

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@gasevsm I'm sorry I can't contribute any data to this now, because the problem seems to have resolved itself overnight. I'm back on my team and all of my projects have returned. Either way, I appreciate the quick support!


bummer, I’ll patiently wait for the next victim 😉 happy you are back up and running! Let us know if can help with anything else.

Martin Gasevski | Fusion 360 Team Product Manager

Community Visitor
Community Visitor

I am experiencing the same issue in where I got kicked out of my team (that I was the only member of) and lost all of the projects inside. I got asked to log onto fusion, and when I did it told me to create a new team, the original ‘default’ team i was put into with all of my projects on had disappeared without trace. It is the same account as the original as I have looked at the history of the account and it aligns with the date of installation. I’m not sure how to get my projects back and am looking for a possible solution if possible.