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Issue with installing fusion 360

Message 1 of 13
517 Views, 12 Replies

Issue with installing fusion 360

Hi guys, I am trying to install fusion 360 and i get that unable to write certain files and quit explorer exe i cannot find it on the task manager please can someone helping me in that please a video is easy. Please see the attachement the error i am getting right now. thanks.



Message 2 of 13

@abinessa Most times the simplest solution to this is restart your machine and try again. If that does not work, there should be a link the error to collect logs. Please collect and post here. 

Rajkumar Ilanchelian
Autodesk Fusion

Join Fusion Insider

Message 3 of 13

It is working now but I got another issue when I try to save the file as DWG, It says fail please see the attachement. Any solution to that? Thanks.



Message 4 of 13

@abinessa Is this the only file that is failing or pretty much any export is failing? Would you be able to share this design? 

Rajkumar Ilanchelian
Autodesk Fusion

Join Fusion Insider

Message 5 of 13

here it is in the attachment but i also found that my fusion says not connecting to internet is that also an issue to convert the file to DWG?



Message 6 of 13

@abinessa You certainly need the network for translations but first we have to solve why you are not on the network. 

Easy and first thing to get out of the way is to reset your router to see if that fixes the issue. If not we go collect logs (Go to your Help - support and diagnostics - Fusion service utility - gather system info and attach the Fusiondiagnosticslogs zip file here).

Rajkumar Ilanchelian
Autodesk Fusion

Join Fusion Insider

Message 7 of 13



I get these above and long time not connecting????


Message 8 of 13

not clear can u do a video or pics thanks

Message 9 of 13
in reply to: abinessa

I get this when i try to connect online



Message 10 of 13

@abinessa Are you able to flip that switch back to online?

Rajkumar Ilanchelian
Autodesk Fusion

Join Fusion Insider

Message 11 of 13



It is working online but converting the file to DWG still not working????

Message 12 of 13

@abinessa Is that the only export not working? Also, what entitlement you have? personal , education, commercial ? 

Rajkumar Ilanchelian
Autodesk Fusion

Join Fusion Insider

Message 13 of 13

With STL file as well fail? I have an education one

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