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Is there a way to suppress "working offline" notifications?

Message 1 of 5
217 Views, 4 Replies

Is there a way to suppress "working offline" notifications?

Whenever I pack up my laptop and move it somewhere, Fusion complains about working offline and bounces around in my dock, even if I'm doing other stuff and it's just in the background.  This is annoying! I don't love the popup (which usually by the time I dismiss it Fusion is back online anyway) but bouncing the icon in my dock when I'm doing other stuff is not helpful at all.  If I'm not using Fusion at the moment, why do I even care if it briefly lost its connection to the cloud?

Message 2 of 5
in reply to: Trivium_Jesse



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Hopefully one of our many experts can give you some guidance on this.

Chris Benner
Industry Community Manager – Design & Manufacturing

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Message 3 of 5
in reply to: Trivium_Jesse

@RajkumarIlanchelian Can you help with this one?

Chris Benner
Industry Community Manager – Design & Manufacturing

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Message 4 of 5

@Trivium_Jesse  Thank you for the feedback. The workflow today is that Fusion could not be the focus application but could be running local solves or compute. The suggestion is an interesting one and I will discuss this with the engineering and user experience team to see what cane be done. 

Regrading the bouncing icon on the dock, I think this is a macOS feature when you have a pending UI coming up from an application. I will have to double check. Based on what decision if any we take on the above user experience this bouncing icon may not even happen. 


Rajkumar Ilanchelian
Autodesk Fusion

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Message 5 of 5
in reply to: Trivium_Jesse

@Trivium_Jesse  Did the information provided by @RajkumarIlanchelian answer your question? If so, please use Accept Solution so that others may find this in the future. Thank you very much!

Chris Benner
Industry Community Manager – Design & Manufacturing

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Also be generous with Likes!  Thank you and enjoy!

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