Hi @weswaitD, would you mind letting me know your DPI scale, and attach a screenshot for my reference?
I think I know the issue you speak of. If you have DPI scaling enabled, the canvas should double the line thickness to compensate, but it seems like that is not currently happening - we will investigate further.
In the meantime, a side-grade workaround would be to disable High Resolution Canvas Graphics under Preferences > Graphics > Display. This will half the resolution of the modeling canvas, but the lines will be of appropriate thickness - it's a tradeoff, certainly.
As for cursor scaling - it's our expectation that users override cursor size at an OS level, and Fusion is tested with this configuration - but otherwise, no, there is currently no way to override cursor scale at a Fusion-only level.
Lance Carocci
Fusion QA for UI Framework/Cloud Workflows, and fervent cat enthusiast