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Is anyone else tired of being abused by Autodesk?


Is anyone else tired of being abused by Autodesk?


I've been a user of Autocad for nearly 40 years. During that time I suffered through early versions, spent time on apps that disappeared. After I left the corporate world, I went into academics where I used ACAD on a regular bases. I had bought several versions but ultimately they asked me to "rent" it. I was able to use the student teacher version until my frequency of teaching dropped out during covid. 


Then I discovered Fusion 360. The promise was great and the features looked impressive. A half dozen hours in and it Version 1 all over again! I look to my left at the data bar and a wheel is just spinning. HAs been from the time I started this. Sometimes it's so slow I can move my mouse and the curser is 2 seconds behind. Back to the old dial up days!!!!


Help is poor, very no conceptual, the focus on eye candy is still what the designers are spending time on. Not easy of use. Lets face it, very few people can sit down and use it out of the box. If it was easy there would not be 100's of YouTube video. 


I went through the training from Autodesk, Weak to say the least. All this for an annual expense that cost more than my desktop computer. 


Sad that a company, of which I'm stockholder, can produce such poorly thought-out products. BTW, It's still spinning. Just like the 50 or so products Autodesk has produced in the past. 


Shame on Autodesk for bilking customers for all these years!!!!!

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Any specific file or workflow that Forum members could assist you with? There's a great wealth of knowledge here!



@staleyRC6AX If you are looking for feedback and an honest discussion then we can move forward.

If you just wanted to leave a rant, then we (the hand full of folks that help out here) have no interest in that!


I would agree with some of your assessments but disagree with others.





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