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fusion no longer opening or installing after deleting

Message 1 of 13
441 Views, 12 Replies

fusion no longer opening or installing after deleting


I was using fusion fine yesterday morning but when it came to the evening it would no longer open. I did what the help guide told me to do saying to restart my computer and if that fails delete and reinstall the program. However, when i tried to reinstall all I got was this. I have tried multiple times and I am not sure what to do now.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Message 2 of 13

@Tomlewendon Can you restart your machine and try the install again? If it fails can you please attach the full logs that is generated? 

Rajkumar Ilanchelian
Autodesk Fusion

Join Fusion Insider

Message 3 of 13

2024-02-12 15:58:54,968 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Finish executing pre-check:- CheckFolderAccessibility, Result:- SUCCESS
2024-02-12 15:58:54,968 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Start to execute pre-check:- CheckSSLCertificateIssue
2024-02-12 15:58:54,968 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Checking internet connectivity
2024-02-12 15:58:55,015 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: ProxyServer:
2024-02-12 15:58:55,015 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup HTTPSHandler
2024-02-12 15:58:55,015 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup AuthHandler
2024-02-12 15:58:55,015 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Begin of logging network information.
2024-02-12 15:58:55,015 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Proxy mode: ProxyMode.LEGACY
2024-02-12 15:58:55,015 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Domain name :, edge server ip :
2024-02-12 15:58:55,047 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: The host is accessible
2024-02-12 15:58:55,047 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: S_I: MTA0LjExNy4xNjcuMTk5
2024-02-12 15:58:55,047 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: C_PR_I: MTkyLjE2OC4xLjIxOA==
2024-02-12 15:58:55,047 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Detected proxies: e30=
2024-02-12 15:58:55,047 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: End of logging network information.
2024-02-12 15:58:55,132 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Internet connectivity is OK. <adsk.dls.streamer.netlib._ResilientRequest object at 0x000001A69F99E490>
2024-02-12 15:58:55,132 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Checking DNS
2024-02-12 15:58:55,157 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: The domain is accessible
2024-02-12 15:58:55,157 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Domain name :, host ip :
2024-02-12 15:58:55,157 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Pulling application manifest: 73e72ada57b7480280f7a6f4a289729f version: None
2024-02-12 15:58:55,157 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.manifests - INFO :: Opening manifest at:
2024-02-12 15:58:55,172 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: ProxyServer:
2024-02-12 15:58:55,172 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup HTTPSHandler
2024-02-12 15:58:55,172 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup AuthHandler
2024-02-12 15:58:55,252 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: No problem in SSL Certificate
2024-02-12 15:58:55,252 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Finish executing pre-check:- CheckSSLCertificateIssue, Result:- SUCCESS
2024-02-12 15:58:55,252 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Start to execute pre-check:- CheckNetworkConnectivity
2024-02-12 15:58:55,252 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Checking internet connectivity
2024-02-12 15:58:55,282 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: ProxyServer:
2024-02-12 15:58:55,282 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup HTTPSHandler
2024-02-12 15:58:55,282 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup AuthHandler
2024-02-12 15:58:55,361 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Internet connectivity is OK. <adsk.dls.streamer.netlib._ResilientRequest object at 0x000001A69F9B7550>
2024-02-12 15:58:55,361 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Checking DNS
2024-02-12 15:58:55,392 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: The domain is accessible
2024-02-12 15:58:55,392 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Domain name :, host ip :
2024-02-12 15:58:55,408 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: ProxyServer:
2024-02-12 15:58:55,408 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup HTTPSHandler
2024-02-12 15:58:55,408 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup AuthHandler
2024-02-12 15:58:55,486 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Network connectivity is OK <adsk.dls.streamer.netlib._ResilientRequest object at 0x000001A69F9B6A50>
2024-02-12 15:58:55,486 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Finish executing pre-check:- CheckNetworkConnectivity, Result:- SUCCESS
2024-02-12 15:58:55,486 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Start to execute pre-check:- DiskSpaceFull
2024-02-12 15:58:55,486 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Checking internet connectivity
2024-02-12 15:58:55,517 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: ProxyServer:
2024-02-12 15:58:55,517 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup HTTPSHandler
2024-02-12 15:58:55,517 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup AuthHandler
2024-02-12 15:58:55,580 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Internet connectivity is OK. <adsk.dls.streamer.netlib._ResilientRequest object at 0x000001A69F9B6F10>
2024-02-12 15:58:55,580 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Checking DNS
2024-02-12 15:58:55,596 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: The domain is accessible
2024-02-12 15:58:55,611 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Domain name :, host ip :
2024-02-12 15:58:55,611 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Pulling application manifest: 73e72ada57b7480280f7a6f4a289729f version: None
2024-02-12 15:58:55,611 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.manifests - INFO :: Opening manifest at:
2024-02-12 15:58:55,633 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: ProxyServer:
2024-02-12 15:58:55,633 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup HTTPSHandler
2024-02-12 15:58:55,633 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup AuthHandler
2024-02-12 15:58:55,721 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.deploy_process - INFO :: Will perform incremental deploy for app 73e72ada57b7480280f7a6f4a289729f
2024-02-12 15:58:55,721 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Sufficient disk space found on system.
2024-02-12 15:58:55,721 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Finish executing pre-check:- DiskSpaceFull, Result:- SUCCESS
2024-02-12 15:58:55,721 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.deploy_process - INFO :: Pre-check run is complete. Return value: {}
2024-02-12 15:58:55,721 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Pulling application manifest: 73e72ada57b7480280f7a6f4a289729f version: None
2024-02-12 15:58:55,721 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.manifests - INFO :: Opening manifest at:
2024-02-12 15:58:55,753 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: ProxyServer:
2024-02-12 15:58:55,753 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup HTTPSHandler
2024-02-12 15:58:55,753 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup AuthHandler
2024-02-12 15:58:55,847 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.deploy_process - INFO :: Will perform incremental deploy for app 73e72ada57b7480280f7a6f4a289729f
2024-02-12 15:58:55,847 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: The session id is 90d6fcb0-f788-444c-a8e4-346bf86e7e8e
2024-02-12 15:58:56,003 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Configure app begin Deploy to 2.0.18441 for app 73e72ada57b7480280f7a6f4a289729f
2024-02-12 15:58:56,035 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: The host is accessible
2024-02-12 15:58:56,035 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: S_I: MTA0LjExNy4xNjcuMTk5
2024-02-12 15:58:56,035 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: C_PR_I: MTkyLjE2OC4xLjIxOA==
2024-02-12 15:58:56,710 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Local DNS: U2VydmVyOiAgZHNsZGV2aWNlLmxhbg0sIEFkZHJlc3M6ICAxOTIuMTY4LjEuMQ0=
2024-02-12 15:58:56,710 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Detected proxies: e30=
2024-02-12 15:58:56,710 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - ERROR :: Exception during processing:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 1186, in execute
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 95, in execute_without_errorhandling
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 1116, in execute_without_errorhandling
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 884, in _config_app
adsk.dls.streamer.exceptions.VersionExists: No need to update. 2.0.18441 installed

2024-02-12 15:59:03,861 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Detecting the orphans ...
2024-02-12 15:59:04,676 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.registry - INFO :: Shutting down database connection
2024-02-12 15:59:04,676 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Start to run process: Launch
2024-02-12 15:59:05,132 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.registry - INFO :: registry track file C:\Users\Rosie Lewendon\AppData\Local\Autodesk\webdeploy\meta\registry_track is created.
2024-02-12 15:59:05,132 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.registry - INFO :: Existing database is at revision 3
2024-02-12 15:59:05,132 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.registry - INFO :: Existing database is at revision 4
2024-02-12 15:59:05,132 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Pulling application manifest: 73e72ada57b7480280f7a6f4a289729f version: None
2024-02-12 15:59:05,132 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.manifests - INFO :: Opening manifest at:
2024-02-12 15:59:05,164 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: ProxyServer:
2024-02-12 15:59:05,164 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup HTTPSHandler
2024-02-12 15:59:05,164 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup AuthHandler
2024-02-12 15:59:05,226 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: The session id is 5e20a654-bb58-4948-80da-dda1e963eb36
2024-02-12 15:59:05,226 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Configure app begin Launch to 2.0.18441 for app 73e72ada57b7480280f7a6f4a289729f
2024-02-12 15:59:05,634 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Found launch executable: \\?\C:\Users\Rosie Lewendon\AppData\Local\Autodesk\webdeploy\production\57cd45aa09be2d79663784069561ec17eda99ca8\Fusion360.exe
2024-02-12 15:59:05,634 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.launch_process - INFO :: Launch executable is \\?\C:\Users\Rosie Lewendon\AppData\Local\Autodesk\webdeploy\production\57cd45aa09be2d79663784069561ec17eda99ca8\Fusion360.exe
2024-02-12 15:59:05,634 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - - INFO :: Attempting to launch: \\?\C:\Users\Rosie Lewendon\AppData\Local\Autodesk\webdeploy\production\57cd45aa09be2d79663784069561ec17eda99ca8\Fusion360.exe
2024-02-12 15:59:05,650 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: The host is accessible
2024-02-12 15:59:05,650 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: S_I: MTA0LjExNy4xNjcuMTk5
2024-02-12 15:59:05,650 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: C_PR_I: MTkyLjE2OC4xLjIxOA==
2024-02-12 15:59:06,326 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Local DNS: U2VydmVyOiAgZHNsZGV2aWNlLmxhbg0sIEFkZHJlc3M6ICAxOTIuMTY4LjEuMQ0=
2024-02-12 15:59:06,326 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Detected proxies: e30=
2024-02-12 15:59:06,326 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - ERROR :: Exception during processing:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\ui\", line 205, in reporterror
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 1186, in execute
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 95, in execute_without_errorhandling
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 1116, in execute_without_errorhandling
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 884, in _config_app
adsk.dls.streamer.exceptions.VersionExists: No need to update. 2.0.18441 installed

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 1186, in execute
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 1116, in execute_without_errorhandling
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 80, in _config_app
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\windows\", line 553, in launchpath
File "E:\Jenkins\3P\PYTHON\3.11.1\WIN64_1\Lib\", line 1024, in __init__
File "E:\Jenkins\3P\PYTHON\3.11.1\WIN64_1\Lib\", line 1493, in _execute_child
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified

2024-02-12 16:05:16,629 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Detecting the orphans ...
2024-02-12 16:05:16,660 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - WARNING :: Exception in Launch [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified
2024-02-12 16:05:18,683 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.registry - INFO :: Shutting down database connection
2024-02-12 16:05:18,698 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.configuration - INFO :: ##################################### End #####################################
2024-02-12 16:05:18,698 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.configuration - INFO :: # #
2024-02-12 16:05:18,698 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.configuration - INFO :: # <adsk.dls.streamer.configuration.Configurator object at 0x000001A69F974F90> #
2024-02-12 16:05:18,698 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.configuration - INFO :: # #
2024-02-12 16:05:18,698 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.configuration - INFO :: ###############################################################################
2024-02-12 16:05:18,698 - MainProcess(15936) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - WARNING :: Exception in Deploy No need to update. 2.0.18441 installed
2024-02-12 16:59:15,813 - MainProcess(17808) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer - DEBUG :: Logging initialized, with level 10, output file: C:\Users\Rosie Lewendon\AppData\Local\Autodesk\autodesk.webdeploy.streamer.log
2024-02-12 16:59:15,813 - MainProcess(17808) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer.configuration - INFO :: #################################### Begin ####################################
2024-02-12 16:59:15,813 - MainProcess(17808) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer.configuration - INFO :: # #
2024-02-12 16:59:15,813 - MainProcess(17808) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer.configuration - INFO :: # <adsk.dls.streamer.configuration.Configurator object at 0x0000019CAD62C610> #
2024-02-12 16:59:15,813 - MainProcess(17808) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer.configuration - INFO :: # #
2024-02-12 16:59:15,813 - MainProcess(17808) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer.configuration - INFO :: ###############################################################################
2024-02-12 16:59:15,813 - MainProcess(17808) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer.manifests - INFO :: Loading build manifest from C:\Users\ROSIEL~1\AppData\Local\Temp\7zSA7AE.tmp\resources\buildinfo.json
2024-02-12 16:59:15,813 - MainProcess(17808) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer.manifests - DEBUG :: Searching for manifest object member: feature-version
2024-02-12 16:59:15,813 - MainProcess(17808) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer.configuration - INFO :: The streamer version is: 20231122000000
2024-02-12 16:59:15,813 - MainProcess(17808) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer.configuration - DEBUG :: Loading default language: en_GB
2024-02-12 16:59:15,813 - MainProcess(17808) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer.configuration - DEBUG :: Resource directory set to: C:\Users\ROSIEL~1\AppData\Local\Temp\7zSA7AE.tmp\resources
2024-02-12 16:59:15,813 - MainProcess(17808) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer.__main__ - INFO :: Setup SSL_CERT_FILE environment variable to C:\Users\ROSIEL~1\AppData\Local\Temp\7zSA7AE.tmp\certs.pem
2024-02-12 16:59:15,813 - MainProcess(17808) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer.__main__ - DEBUG :: Defining command line arguments
2024-02-12 16:59:15,813 - MainProcess(17808) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer.__main__ - DEBUG :: Overriding standard streams to capture output
2024-02-12 16:59:15,813 - MainProcess(17808) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer.__main__ - DEBUG :: Parsing command line arguments
2024-02-12 16:59:15,813 - MainProcess(17808) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer.__main__ - INFO :: Command-Line Argument Configuration:
Namespace(procfac=<function deploy_process at 0x0000019CAD6119E0>, operation=<function multiple_operate at 0x0000019CACCF9940>, app_id='73e72ada57b7480280f7a6f4a289729f', language='en', connection='', update_connection=None, stream='production', globalinstall=False, no_auto_launch=False, no_uninstall_registry=False, install_origin='Streamer', profile=False, threadscount=5, installlocation=None, ppid=-1, force_full=False, purge=False, cleanup=False, silent=False, launch_args='', pull_dest=None, loglevel=20, logfile=None, headless=False, pipes=None, quietmode=False, infofile=None, no_cleanup=False, cleancacheall=False, removeuserdata=False, removeusercred=False, deep_clean=False)
2024-02-12 16:59:15,813 - MainProcess(17808) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer.__main__ - INFO :: >>>>>>>> app id is 73e72ada57b7480280f7a6f4a289729f ---- stream is production ---- global install is False <<<<<<<<
2024-02-12 16:59:15,813 - MainProcess(17808) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer.__main__ - DEBUG :: Resetting the standard streams
2024-02-12 16:59:15,813 - MainProcess(17808) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer - INFO :: New logging level: 20
2024-02-12 16:59:15,813 - MainProcess(17808) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer.configuration - INFO :: Overriding Connection String:
2024-02-12 16:59:16,300 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Start to run process: Deploy
2024-02-12 16:59:16,441 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.configuration - INFO :: The PAC invoking process was enabled but the proxy is empty
2024-02-12 16:59:17,399 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.registry - INFO :: registry track file C:\Users\Rosie Lewendon\AppData\Local\Autodesk\webdeploy\meta\registry_track is created.
2024-02-12 16:59:17,399 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.registry - INFO :: Existing database is at revision 3
2024-02-12 16:59:17,399 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.registry - INFO :: Existing database is at revision 4
2024-02-12 16:59:17,399 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.deploy_process - INFO :: Running pre-checks.
2024-02-12 16:59:17,414 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: precheckclass:- [<class 'adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks.CheckFolderAccessibility'>, <class 'adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks.CheckSSLCertificateIssue'>, <class 'adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks.CheckNetworkConnectivity'>, <class 'adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks.DiskSpaceFull'>]
2024-02-12 16:59:17,414 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Start to execute pre-check:- CheckFolderAccessibility
2024-02-12 16:59:17,414 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Creating emptry directory: C:\Users\Rosie Lewendon\AppData\Local\Autodesk\check_perm
2024-02-12 16:59:17,414 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Directory: C:\Users\Rosie Lewendon\AppData\Local\Autodesk\check_perm created successfully
2024-02-12 16:59:17,414 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Removing directory: C:\Users\Rosie Lewendon\AppData\Local\Autodesk\check_perm
2024-02-12 16:59:17,414 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Directory C:\Users\Rosie Lewendon\AppData\Local\Autodesk\check_perm removed successfully
2024-02-12 16:59:17,414 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Full owner permission found on directory: C:\Users\Rosie Lewendon\AppData\Local\Autodesk
2024-02-12 16:59:17,414 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Finish executing pre-check:- CheckFolderAccessibility, Result:- SUCCESS
2024-02-12 16:59:17,414 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Start to execute pre-check:- CheckSSLCertificateIssue
2024-02-12 16:59:17,414 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Checking internet connectivity
2024-02-12 16:59:17,462 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: ProxyServer:
2024-02-12 16:59:17,462 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup HTTPSHandler
2024-02-12 16:59:17,462 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup AuthHandler
2024-02-12 16:59:17,462 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Begin of logging network information.
2024-02-12 16:59:17,462 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Proxy mode: ProxyMode.LEGACY
2024-02-12 16:59:17,571 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Domain name :, edge server ip :
2024-02-12 16:59:17,587 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: The host is accessible
2024-02-12 16:59:17,587 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: S_I: MTA0LjEwMy4xNTguNzM=
2024-02-12 16:59:17,587 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: C_PR_I: MTkyLjE2OC4xLjIxOA==
2024-02-12 16:59:17,587 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Detected proxies: e30=
2024-02-12 16:59:17,587 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: End of logging network information.
2024-02-12 16:59:17,681 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Internet connectivity is OK. <adsk.dls.streamer.netlib._ResilientRequest object at 0x0000019CAD650F50>
2024-02-12 16:59:17,681 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Checking DNS
2024-02-12 16:59:17,713 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: The domain is accessible
2024-02-12 16:59:17,713 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Domain name :, host ip :
2024-02-12 16:59:17,713 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Pulling application manifest: 73e72ada57b7480280f7a6f4a289729f version: None
2024-02-12 16:59:17,713 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.manifests - INFO :: Opening manifest at:
2024-02-12 16:59:17,735 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: ProxyServer:
2024-02-12 16:59:17,735 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup HTTPSHandler
2024-02-12 16:59:17,735 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup AuthHandler
2024-02-12 16:59:17,823 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: No problem in SSL Certificate
2024-02-12 16:59:17,823 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Finish executing pre-check:- CheckSSLCertificateIssue, Result:- SUCCESS
2024-02-12 16:59:17,823 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Start to execute pre-check:- CheckNetworkConnectivity
2024-02-12 16:59:17,823 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Checking internet connectivity
2024-02-12 16:59:17,854 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: ProxyServer:
2024-02-12 16:59:17,854 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup HTTPSHandler
2024-02-12 16:59:17,854 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup AuthHandler
2024-02-12 16:59:17,933 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Internet connectivity is OK. <adsk.dls.streamer.netlib._ResilientRequest object at 0x0000019CAD66F090>
2024-02-12 16:59:17,935 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Checking DNS
2024-02-12 16:59:17,949 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: The domain is accessible
2024-02-12 16:59:17,949 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Domain name :, host ip :
2024-02-12 16:59:17,980 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: ProxyServer:
2024-02-12 16:59:17,980 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup HTTPSHandler
2024-02-12 16:59:17,980 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup AuthHandler
2024-02-12 16:59:18,090 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Network connectivity is OK <adsk.dls.streamer.netlib._ResilientRequest object at 0x0000019CAD66CA10>
2024-02-12 16:59:18,090 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Finish executing pre-check:- CheckNetworkConnectivity, Result:- SUCCESS
2024-02-12 16:59:18,090 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Start to execute pre-check:- DiskSpaceFull
2024-02-12 16:59:18,090 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Checking internet connectivity
2024-02-12 16:59:18,137 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: ProxyServer:
2024-02-12 16:59:18,137 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup HTTPSHandler
2024-02-12 16:59:18,137 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup AuthHandler
2024-02-12 16:59:18,215 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Internet connectivity is OK. <adsk.dls.streamer.netlib._ResilientRequest object at 0x0000019CAD66EA10>
2024-02-12 16:59:18,215 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Checking DNS
2024-02-12 16:59:18,247 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: The domain is accessible
2024-02-12 16:59:18,247 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Domain name :, host ip :
2024-02-12 16:59:18,247 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Pulling application manifest: 73e72ada57b7480280f7a6f4a289729f version: None
2024-02-12 16:59:18,247 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.manifests - INFO :: Opening manifest at:
2024-02-12 16:59:18,278 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: ProxyServer:
2024-02-12 16:59:18,278 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup HTTPSHandler
2024-02-12 16:59:18,278 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup AuthHandler
2024-02-12 16:59:18,357 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.deploy_process - INFO :: Will perform incremental deploy for app 73e72ada57b7480280f7a6f4a289729f
2024-02-12 16:59:18,357 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Sufficient disk space found on system.
2024-02-12 16:59:18,357 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.prechecks - INFO :: Finish executing pre-check:- DiskSpaceFull, Result:- SUCCESS
2024-02-12 16:59:18,357 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.deploy_process - INFO :: Pre-check run is complete. Return value: {}
2024-02-12 16:59:18,357 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Pulling application manifest: 73e72ada57b7480280f7a6f4a289729f version: None
2024-02-12 16:59:18,357 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.manifests - INFO :: Opening manifest at:
2024-02-12 16:59:18,388 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: ProxyServer:
2024-02-12 16:59:18,388 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup HTTPSHandler
2024-02-12 16:59:18,388 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup AuthHandler
2024-02-12 16:59:18,655 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.deploy_process - INFO :: Will perform incremental deploy for app 73e72ada57b7480280f7a6f4a289729f
2024-02-12 16:59:18,655 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: The session id is 2ec2f12f-36ef-459a-be7c-9022af26e77e
2024-02-12 16:59:18,780 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Configure app begin Deploy to 2.0.18441 for app 73e72ada57b7480280f7a6f4a289729f
2024-02-12 16:59:18,796 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: The host is accessible
2024-02-12 16:59:18,796 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: S_I: MTA0LjEwMy4xNTguNzM=
2024-02-12 16:59:18,796 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: C_PR_I: MTkyLjE2OC4xLjIxOA==
2024-02-12 16:59:19,502 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Local DNS: U2VydmVyOiAgZHNsZGV2aWNlLmxhbg0sIEFkZHJlc3M6ICAxOTIuMTY4LjEuMQ0=
2024-02-12 16:59:19,502 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Detected proxies: e30=
2024-02-12 16:59:19,502 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - ERROR :: Exception during processing:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 1186, in execute
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 95, in execute_without_errorhandling
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 1116, in execute_without_errorhandling
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 884, in _config_app
adsk.dls.streamer.exceptions.VersionExists: No need to update. 2.0.18441 installed

2024-02-12 16:59:21,213 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Detecting the orphans ...
2024-02-12 16:59:22,029 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.registry - INFO :: Shutting down database connection
2024-02-12 16:59:22,029 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Start to run process: Launch
2024-02-12 16:59:22,469 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.registry - INFO :: registry track file C:\Users\Rosie Lewendon\AppData\Local\Autodesk\webdeploy\meta\registry_track is created.
2024-02-12 16:59:22,469 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.registry - INFO :: Existing database is at revision 3
2024-02-12 16:59:22,469 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.registry - INFO :: Existing database is at revision 4
2024-02-12 16:59:22,469 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Pulling application manifest: 73e72ada57b7480280f7a6f4a289729f version: None
2024-02-12 16:59:22,469 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.manifests - INFO :: Opening manifest at:
2024-02-12 16:59:22,500 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: ProxyServer:
2024-02-12 16:59:22,500 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup HTTPSHandler
2024-02-12 16:59:22,500 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.netlib - INFO :: Setup AuthHandler
2024-02-12 16:59:22,594 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: The session id is d0ee2cfe-01c8-4797-a9c7-523ba57f6c34
2024-02-12 16:59:22,594 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Configure app begin Launch to 2.0.18441 for app 73e72ada57b7480280f7a6f4a289729f
2024-02-12 16:59:23,002 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Found launch executable: \\?\C:\Users\Rosie Lewendon\AppData\Local\Autodesk\webdeploy\production\57cd45aa09be2d79663784069561ec17eda99ca8\Fusion360.exe
2024-02-12 16:59:23,002 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.launch_process - INFO :: Launch executable is \\?\C:\Users\Rosie Lewendon\AppData\Local\Autodesk\webdeploy\production\57cd45aa09be2d79663784069561ec17eda99ca8\Fusion360.exe
2024-02-12 16:59:23,002 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - - INFO :: Attempting to launch: \\?\C:\Users\Rosie Lewendon\AppData\Local\Autodesk\webdeploy\production\57cd45aa09be2d79663784069561ec17eda99ca8\Fusion360.exe
2024-02-12 16:59:23,018 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: The host is accessible
2024-02-12 16:59:23,018 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: S_I: MTA0LjEwMy4xNTguNzM=
2024-02-12 16:59:23,018 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: C_PR_I: MTkyLjE2OC4xLjIxOA==
2024-02-12 16:59:23,693 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Local DNS: U2VydmVyOiAgZHNsZGV2aWNlLmxhbg0sIEFkZHJlc3M6ICAxOTIuMTY4LjEuMQ0=
2024-02-12 16:59:23,693 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - INFO :: Detected proxies: e30=
2024-02-12 16:59:23,693 - MainProcess(17808) - InstallDriver - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - ERROR :: Exception during processing:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\ui\", line 205, in reporterror
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 1186, in execute
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 95, in execute_without_errorhandling
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 1116, in execute_without_errorhandling
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 884, in _config_app
adsk.dls.streamer.exceptions.VersionExists: No need to update. 2.0.18441 installed

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 1186, in execute
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 1116, in execute_without_errorhandling
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 80, in _config_app
File "R:\src\adsk\dls\streamer\windows\", line 456, in launchpath
File "E:\Jenkins\3P\PYTHON\3.11.1\WIN64_1\Lib\", line 1024, in __init__
File "E:\Jenkins\3P\PYTHON\3.11.1\WIN64_1\Lib\", line 1493, in _execute_child
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified

Message 4 of 13

Did not work after restarting i will attach logs

Message 5 of 13

@Tomlewendon The logs shows that you already have Fusion installed. Can you tell me how to uninstalled Fusion? If you go to the add/remove programs, do you see Autodesk Fusion? 

Rajkumar Ilanchelian
Autodesk Fusion

Join Fusion Insider

Message 6 of 13

Fusion is no longer listed there which is why I'm so confused 


Message 7 of 13

This what it says when i try to uninstall 



Message 8 of 13

@Tomlewendon Ok. one more try with the below please.

1. Go to task manager and make sure that Fusion.exe is not running by any change
2. Go delete the shortcut used to launch Fusion 
3. Go to - C:\Users\(username)\Appdata\Local\DELETE FOlder Autodesk\
4. Restart machine
5. Please reinstall again 

Now is it all good? 

Rajkumar Ilanchelian
Autodesk Fusion

Join Fusion Insider

Message 9 of 13

Still not working thanks for the help though
Message 10 of 13

@Tomlewendon Canyon help clarify a few things? 

1. You mentioned that Fusion is not listed in add/remove programs but then the next post said about an error trying to uninstall, where are you uninstalling from? 

2. In the steps I listed, after deleting the folder, when you tried to reinstall are you getting the same message that it cannot find files in a specific location? 

With all the posts I am not sure at this time if the trouble is to uninstall even or reinstall is causing problems (even after deleting the folder I asked of). 

Rajkumar Ilanchelian
Autodesk Fusion

Join Fusion Insider

Message 11 of 13

I found it in programs but then I could no longer do anything to it, there
was just two copies and I couldn’t delete either and I followed all of your
steps. I’m trying on another computer to get it going
Message 12 of 13


1.Does your add/remove program still show two Autodesk Fusion? 
2. When you mentioned you cannot delete, is it not letting you delete the folders? 

Are you able to do the below?

1. Go to add/remove program - Select Autodesk Fusion - MODIFY
Does this launch the Fusion service utility?
2. If it does can you select Repair Fusion?

Rajkumar Ilanchelian
Autodesk Fusion

Join Fusion Insider

Message 13 of 13

It won’t let me modify or delete the files it says it’s missing something to do with meta? 
I will try again another day maybe 

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