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Fusion freezing up with new update


Fusion freezing up with new update


Fusion Version: Fusion 2.0.20981 x86_64
PC specs: Windows 10 pro v.22H2; intel 7 cpu; 32gb of RAM; MSI GTX980TI graphics.


Fusion 360 has started freezing up ever since a new update.

Whenever I try and edit existing contours operations it locks up for several hours and then I eventually end it with task manager. It has also locked up when I try to create a adaptive clearing operations on a simple mesh. 



4 Replies
Replies (4)


@cadviper Is this design specific? If will it be possible to share the design here? 

Rajkumar Ilanchelian
Autodesk Fusion

Join Fusion Insider


No, it is freezing up with every design I have whenever I try to create or edit a contour operations on them. It has also locked up when creating adaptive operations as well. 

Like I said above, this never used to happen with fusion until just recently.


@cadviper We have had this update for over a month now and have not had customers report on an issue like this. Just to eliminate some machine specific possibilities, is the windows OS up to date? Did any windows update happen recently? Also, is the graphic card driver up-to-date? Would it be possible to reinstall the graphics driver? 

We can also try the below to see if that will help (after windows update and driver update)

1. Make sure that Fusion is not running in task manager
2. Go to C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\ Autodesk\DELETE the following folders – Webdeploy,Web Services, Identity services, Autodesk Fusion 360 ((IF you do not have any other Autodesk products installed, delete the Full Autodesk folder) 
3. Delete the shortcut that is used to launch Fusion
4. Restart your machine
5. Do not use the same Fusion installer. Can you please download the installer again
6. Now install again

If none of this helps, then I have another tool that can help us to understand what could be happening that I will post here. 

Rajkumar Ilanchelian
Autodesk Fusion

Join Fusion Insider


Windows is up to date. Last Windows update for 10 was 5/‎26/‎2023.

Drivers are up to date. Last Graphics Driver update was  ‎10/‎19/‎2024.


According to fusion the last work that I did in fusion was on 12/27/24 and I have only noticed it locking up recently.


I deleted the Autodesk, Fusion, and Fusion 360 folders in Appdata/Local. I deleted all the shortcuts as well.

Restarted My PC and reinstalled fusion with the newest installer.  I then created a new project and the issue is still occurring.


I did more testing and this issue is only occurring with my imported mesh projects. When I design a model in fusion instead of importing one, Fusion works normally.