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Fusion 360 returns error when exporting to Slicer.

Message 1 of 4
790 Views, 3 Replies

Fusion 360 returns error when exporting to Slicer.

I'm trying to import a 3d model into slicer so that i can laser cut the pieces. Each time I try to sent it, it open a dialog box that says that it failed open. error.PNGI also tried importing the model directly into slicer instead of going through Fusion but that made the model deformed and broken.


The problem might be in the way I made this model. I didn't have access to fusion at the time so this was made in Sketchup. Not sure if that could be a problem but i don't know what else it could be. 



In an attempt to fix the problem I've tried to use advise from other forum posts. 

I made sure in Fusion it was set to model mode instead of sculpt. 

To test whether or not it is an issue with the model, I made a regular box in fusion and that seamed to go to slicer like normal. 



I have attached diagnostics to this. Maybe that will be helpful. 

Message 2 of 4
in reply to: Anonymous

Hey Codysmall491, welcome to the community!


I think it's safe to say that your problem is, like you said, that this was imported from Sketchup. Sketchup uses a completely different kind of system for its geometry, and in the case of a puzzle it's safe to say that it's inferior to the way it's done in Fusion. Notice all those facets? That's going to make for a jerky, unpleasant experience.


The best advice I can offer is to rebuild this in Fusion, making sure that the thicknesses of the slices are consistent with the material you intend to build it from. This is a pretty good beginner exercise if you're looking to learn Fusion, and since it's a solid modeling program with mechanical assembly capabilities, it's a far superior tool for this kind of project. 

Jonathan Odom
Community Manager + Content Creator
Oregon, USA

Become an Autodesk Fusion Insider

Message 3 of 4
in reply to: jodom4

Thank you for your response.

I found that using a website: NetFabb. It was able to have my file 'fixed'. I'm not sure what exactly it did to fix it, but the Slicer was able to work well afterward. 


Message 4 of 4
in reply to: jodom4

 Hi Jon - this error also now crops up for Terrain2STL, so my guide no longer works. Any work around suggestions or other advice? (I tried making it into a closed mesh using Fusion360; still didn't work)

best, Scott

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