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free education subscription expired and cant re-new

Message 1 of 3
150 Views, 2 Replies

free education subscription expired and cant re-new

free education subscription expired and cant re-new. i have gone through the process of re-newing it and autodesk says i have until next year but in fusion it is saying subscription is expired please help need it fixed for school as soon as possible

Message 2 of 3
in reply to: NIB0002PYQ4S

Go the the Fusion Educational Support webpage.  I would probably start with their Q&A and then if needed the Virtual Assistant.

John Hackney, Retired
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Message 3 of 3

I am having the same issue.  I renewed my education subscription before it expired.  I have the confirmation email from Autodesk.  However, Fusion is still showing my subscription as expired and I only have read-only access.  I have gone through the online process to re-confirm eligibility dozens of times and it hasn't worked.  


Yesterday I talked to their chatbot and it went nowhere.  I asked to chat with a real agent.  They didn't fix my issue but did file a support ticket.  I have confirmation that it was filed but no change to my subscription status yet.


Good luck!

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