I've seen crashes happen when doing just about anything and everything:
- Saving
- Opening a file
- Exporting
- Starting a sketch
- Finishing a sketch
- Almost any operation of any kind
- Literally just looking at the screen while Fusion is open
- Attempting to switch to back to Fusion after another application has been active
I've submitted crash reports for all of them along with descriptions in the crash reporter. On that note, I've also had the Fusion crash reporter itself crash while trying submit a crash report. Multiple times. 🤣
I can also confirm (as a 3Dconnexion user) that the performance and overall bugginess of Fusion is not noticeably different on a fresh install without the 3D mouse or its drivers. One reason the stuttering is so obvious with the 3D mouse is because of its ability to rotate very smoothly. It's less obvious with other methods of rotation (even trying to rotate smoothly with a normal mouse there will be some variation normally, which hides some of the lags and stutters).
This does also remind me of another problem with Fusion on the Mac - the way the "view cube" is implemented is completely broken. If you try to drag the mouse over the cube from left to right, you can rotate just a few degrees before the mouse goes off the edge of the window and Fusion stops rotating the object. That's a consequence of a bad UI that's been poorly ported without proper testing.
And another thing I recently saw mentioned again and I think it's worth adding it here - the "Browser" view (i.e. the main tree) bugs out all the time on the Mac version. It appears on the wrong screen or space constantly and sometimes the only way to fix it is to completely relaunch Fusion. Switching spaces with Fusion active is a reliable way to trigger this bug, which has existed in Fusion for as far as I can remember.
And finally, Fusion's main window on the Mac completely breaks window managers (tilers like Amethyst for example). I can't begin to imagine what Fusion is doing to break something this fundamental but it's the only application I'm aware of that does this.
So that's a start. Again, as I've mentioned before Fusion's Mac version is barely functional and it should probably not be advertised as stable at this point (and it should definitely not be sold to actual customers in this state). Call it an alpha or a prerelease or a preview or something...