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Decal with PNG appear as not transparent

Message 1 of 8
807 Views, 7 Replies

Decal with PNG appear as not transparent



I have an issue.

I have created a design and I'm trying to apply a Decal to a glass surface.

The logo is made as PNG with transparent background but at render or animation appears with a black box.

Believing could be an issue with my vector graphics program I tried to use an Autodesk logo provided by you with same results.


How can I solve the problem?



Message 2 of 8
in reply to: Anonymous

This will depend on the PNG. My guess is that its the wrong color. What is the PNG using? I've seen it before and quite recently that it was grayscale vs RGB.


Our logo is probably not the best as its not intended for in product rendering in the generic form. If you find a generic transparent PNG it might be better test. Such as this: 



Ryan Bales
Fusion 360 Product Support
Message 3 of 8
in reply to: ryan.bales



Thanks for the reply.

It isn't the case. I have tried with different formats and colors of PNG. RGB 8, RGB 24...

Even I have tried with Affinity Designer, Illustrator and Corel.


That is the last result I get using PNG_RGB at Illustrator.



Can you provide me the logo you used at your example? Without touching anything I'll try to decal it into my design.



Message 4 of 8
in reply to: Anonymous

Here is the PNG i used. 

Ryan Bales
Fusion 360 Product Support
Message 5 of 8
in reply to: ryan.bales

Same result.

Here your file and mine without touching anything, just applying a decal to the cristal face.


Captura de pantalla 2019-01-16 a las 15.20.21.png


Captura de pantalla 2019-01-16 a las 15.20.50.png


Here the graphics capture of my software Fusion 360 (2.0.5331)

 Captura de pantalla 2019-01-16 a las 15.24.15.png


Message 6 of 8
in reply to: Anonymous

And thats the rendered image?

Ryan Bales
Fusion 360 Product Support
Message 7 of 8
in reply to: ryan.bales

No those were design images as screen capture.

Here you have the render (Standar). It's fine.Render.png


The problem is when I'm doing an animation, to make a demo video, happens the same. The logo appears with the black box.

Message 8 of 8
in reply to: Anonymous

Hmm i was under the impression from your first post it was an issue in render. I think this has more to do with a transparent appearance as the background rather than the transparent png. I don't see anyway around this without using a motion study since the problem is in animation which doesn't use the rendered transparency.



Ryan Bales
Fusion 360 Product Support

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