Can't see the filename if it's too long


Can't see the filename if it's too long


This is just one of those small things that I come across daily that seems like its a simple fix but is a proper pain.


When navigating files in the Data Panel on the left-hand side. If the filename is too long, it gets hidden by a ...

The only way you can see what the rest of the filename is by right-clicking and selecting 'rename' or opening in A360.


This is super frustrating when working with files that have revisions in the file name, especially if they're at the end of the filename.

If you could simply 'hover' your mouse over the filename and it appeared in full as a pop-up label (the same as when you hover over the 'File or Save icon on the top toolbar' or something similar would definitely be suffice 


Also secondary to this is searching in the file search box, in the data panel. Once the search options appear, you cannot see or navigate to that location in the File directory without 'opening on the web' and manually finding the location yourself. Example of this in windows would be right-clicking on a file in a search and selecting 'open file location'.


Is anyone else having this same issues or is it just an isolated case on my behalf?


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9 Replies
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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey sam.froud2X7SU,

This isn't the first time we've noticed users pointing out this inconvenience. @jason.swetzoff , can you take a look at this issue and provide any information on how we might be working on it?

Jonathan Odom
Community Manager + Content Creator
Oregon, USA

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@sam_froud2X7SU  Thanks for the feedback and the screenshots, it is really helpful to see the names you are using. We are aware of this issue and you will be seeing improvements in viewing longer names while navigating your data. 


Yes, I agree we need improvements in search, especially an option that brings you to the location of that document. You can use the version dropdown in the bottom right corner to expand the information of your search results and see where the file is stored in but unfortunately you have to manually navigate to that location which I know is far from ideal. This is a feature that is important to me as well because I use it in many data management systems and feel it is desperately needed when using Fusion as well. Improving search in many ways including this one is a high priority for us. 

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Awesome thanks for the clarity. Glad to know that it's something that you have considered and perhaps can improve in future updates!

Imagine how much more I could do with all my extra time!!? 🙂


Cheers guys!





How far are away are we on this?  Super difficult to keep projects files organized!


Community Visitor
Community Visitor

Any software updates planned to address this issue? 

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More than two years later.... no solutions to these very simple filename display and input issues. 

1) in data panel, only ~39 characters are displayed

2) in data panel, max filename length is 60 characters
3) in web browser, all characters are displayed but max filename/rename input is limited to 31 characters
4) the 31 character input limit in the web browser can be circumvented by copy/pasting in the complete filename although only 31 characters will be displayed during the renaming process

5) in web browser data panel, rename works as it should! but the display is once again limited to ~46 characters

These are super annoying and easy to solve problems. Solutions include:
1) allowing long filenames

2) having a consistent max filename length

2) reworking the input and display processes for both web and in-application file renaming so that max input and max display characters match

3) scrolling/sliding long filenames on mouse hover


The only place "rename" works correctly is in the web browser data panel (not the web browser file list or in the app data panel). The only place filenames are displayed correctly/completely is in the web browser (not in the app data panel or in the web browser data panel). These shortcomings require users to navigate to the web browser to properly manage filenames and even then it is cumbersome and riddled with bugs. 

Please let me know if you need more information in order to solve these problems in an expeditious manner!



Came searching for a solution to this issue and see still no fixes as well, incredibly frustrating and disappointing. Please Autodesk, do something about this ASAP!



I have a feeling that the developers are not taking this seriously.

Fusion is such an amazing work of software art, yet such a simple thing to address is just ignored.


There are 2 very easy to implement solutions to be able to view a long filename without having to right click, rename just to see it.  That is silly.


One thing that the Devs could easily do, is like almost every other piece of software out there, when you hover your mouse over a filename that is long, that it could pop out the full name.


The other thing, is to allow us to resize the Data Panel like we can do with Open (lower right corner to resize that window).  They could even add little handles on the right side of the data panel that would allow us to drag it to the right or left, and even click it to return it to home position.


Coding for this is not that difficult.


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I just wanted to add my voice here as well to point out how much trouble this issue give me as well. I am glad this thread mentioned about the right click, rename option because I hadn't picked up on that yet. I was having to actually open each file just to figure out what it is.


I suppose one option for me would be to change how I name files to put the project name after the part name since I keep files organized in folders by project, but that doesn't help me with all of the files I already have that all appear to have the same name in the left data panel.


It really does seem like it should be an easy fix - I am baffled that as to why this wouldn't just get fixed