@paul.clauss If you need info for the dev to prioritise fixing this here's my thoughts.
I think whoever worked on this originally has very little practical experience working with threads in the real world and has made the wrong choices about what's important. If you look at the total tolerance for the diameters you'll see the Pitch Diameter is the tightest, this should tell you which is important!
Max Min Total Tolerance
Major Dia 9.968 9.732 0.236
Pitch Dia 8.994 8.862 0.132
Minor Dia 8.307 7.938 0.369
@kelly.young's Video also shows a lack of understanding of the real world, the widths of the flats at the peak and trough are not important and can still be maintained within the tolerance if the pitch diameter is correct.
You can see in this image the pitch diameter is correct and the widths at the peak and trough are both still within tolerance, these widths should not be used to drive the sizes for the thread as they are the least important sizes.

As the total tolerances are different for each diameter if you use the median then apply the width of flat for major and minor diameter you're going to end up with the pitch diameter too big, the most important diameter!
I've included my design used for the above picture.
Mark Hughes
Owner, Hughes Tooling
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