Create a sketch on the top face, Project the outside edge into it. Use the Surface Extrude tool to extrude a surface, from the sketch, past the lower edge of the part. Use this surface body with the Split Body tool to split off the unwanted sections. Find the newly created bodies in the Browser, right click on them and select Remove to get rid of the trimmed bodies. If you attach your model I can show this to you.
John Hackney, Retired
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I created a model similar to your model since I did not have your model. In the video I illustrated my solution.
John Hackney, Retired
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@kimura_jtd8 さん、こんにちは。コミュニティのご利用ありがとうございます。
jhackney1972 さんと adachitech7 さんから返信が来ていますので、お手すきの際にご確認ください。
@kimura_jtd8 さん、こんにちは。
そうすることで、コミュニティ メンバーが会話の流れを把握しやすくなります。ご協力いただけると幸いです。