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Latest update (Fusion 2.0.20494 x86_64) crashes on lathe CAM

Message 1 of 22
726 Views, 21 Replies

Latest update (Fusion 2.0.20494 x86_64) crashes on lathe CAM

In any existing lathe cam files I have, in Fusion 2.0.20494 x86_64, it will crash if you repeat a finishing outside profile.

Example:  Rough a shaft  finish profile, cut the threads, repeat finish profile to clean up threads and burrs.

During generation it will immediately crash.


The temporary solution is to edit the second/repeat finishing toolpath's "Stock To Leave" to -0.0001.

Once you do this then it will generate just fine.

This hasn't been required before and shouldn't be now.










Message 2 of 22
in reply to: rwskinner123

Sorry to hear about this issue, would you be able to share a file that is crashing?

Seth Madore
Customer Advocacy Manager - Manufacturing
Message 3 of 22
in reply to: rwskinner123

Do you have a private link I can send it to?  I can't put it on a public forum and really don't have time to recreate from scratch.

Message 4 of 22
in reply to: seth.madore



In OP2, uncheck the Stock to Leave in the Profile Finishing Cleanup and Fusion will crash.

It's ALL my files that have a separate finishing pass that's doing it.


I've submitted dozens of bug reports under my email address.




Also, tangential extensions no longer work properly unless you do stock to leave as well.  See Finishing on OP3.



Message 5 of 22
in reply to: rwskinner123

@rwskinner123 wrote:

Do you have a private link I can send it to?  I can't put it on a public forum and really don't have time to recreate from scratch.

Sorry, I didn't see this notification. You can drop me an email with the file: seth DOT madore AT autodesk DOT com


I see you attached a file above, I'll take a look at it. Could you still drop me an email so I have your contact info and can look into the crash reports?

Seth Madore
Customer Advocacy Manager - Manufacturing
Message 6 of 22
in reply to: rwskinner123

Hmm, I'm not able to get this to crash (shown after regenerating):



Which Spun Profile option are you using (set in Preferences):


Seth Madore
Customer Advocacy Manager - Manufacturing
Message 7 of 22
in reply to: seth.madore


I only turned off the finish multiple regions to see if it made a difference and it did not.

I just sent another error log from my email with your name in the notes.

Message 8 of 22
in reply to: seth.madore

So if you can't reproduce it and yet I can every time, what does that mean?  I reinstalled Fusion with no different outcome.  These did not happen before this last update as I make these parts all the time and never had an issue until now.  Something changed.  What's my next move?

Message 9 of 22
in reply to: rwskinner123

Todays update didn't fix it either.

Message 10 of 22
in reply to: rwskinner123

Wow, totally ignored?  So in October, someone changed the lathe toolpath logic, and the engine now crashes or does crazy tool paths if there is no left over stock available.  It affects this which I reported and crashes  (Autodesk has dozens of crash reports) and it also affects tangential extensions that should follow the tangential line, but if there is not stock left to cut, it follows the model profile instead of the tangential surface.  This all has to do with someone's latest modifications and looking at stock left.  AI writing ya's code now?   Figure it out and fix it please!

Message 11 of 22
in reply to: rwskinner123

No, not ignoring you. I've just been unable to replicate the issue, there's no crashing on my end. Obviously there's something wrong here, but it's not apparent what setting you might have that I don't. I'll chat with one of the developers today and see if we can come up with steps to replicate the issue.


Are you a member of the Insider program (do you have access to Preview Features)?


(and no, we don't use AI to write the code)



Seth Madore
Customer Advocacy Manager - Manufacturing
Message 12 of 22
in reply to: rwskinner123

Turn this off and see if this works for you:


Seth Madore
Customer Advocacy Manager - Manufacturing
Message 13 of 22
in reply to: rwskinner123

And it looks like we've fixed this for the upcoming major release in a few weeks.

Seth Madore
Customer Advocacy Manager - Manufacturing
Message 14 of 22
in reply to: seth.madore

Still crashes if stock to leave is unchecked.

crash report: 788237106

Message 15 of 22
in reply to: seth.madore

Is there a way to export my preferences in order for you to import them to duplicate the issue?

Message 16 of 22
in reply to: rwskinner123



Message 17 of 22
in reply to: seth.madore

>> Are you a member of the Insider program (do you have access to Preview Features)?

I just joined.
Message 18 of 22
in reply to: rwskinner123

Are you on Mac or PC? 

Seth Madore
Customer Advocacy Manager - Manufacturing
Message 19 of 22
in reply to: seth.madore

Win 11 Pro PC

Message 20 of 22
in reply to: rwskinner123

I think there is one method of sharing all the preferences and settings; the NGlobalOptions.xml

You won't be able to email that to me, our "malicious software detection" will likely block it. If you share it here in a ZIP file, I'll let you know when I get it so you can remove it from your thread.

You can find it here:
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Neutron Platform\Options\6K79RA735DLE  (you might have a different suffix at the end)

Seth Madore
Customer Advocacy Manager - Manufacturing

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