CAM Assets folder empty after Fusion Update


CAM Assets folder empty after Fusion Update


After the update to version 2.0.5278, I noticed that when creating a new setup in the Manufacture environment, I couldn't select a machine for the milling operation. The option in the preferences under Preview, Manufacture Workspace - Machine Configurations was still checked however. (Having a deja-vu here from the UI-Preview issues). Also opening previous projects in which I selected the appropriate machines in the setup, only showed the "milling" option under Operation Type. Like the issue with the UI-preview I thought unchecking the "Manufacture Workspace - Machine Configurations"-option, closing Fusion after signing off and restarting Fusion, checking the "Manufacture Workspace - Machine Configurations" again and restarting would resolve the issue, but no luck. Creating a new setup only shows the Operation Type. The ability to select which machine to use is gone somehow. Closed Fusion without signing off, logged off from my pc, waited half an hour and restarted Fusion. Created a new project, and a CAM setup. Now the option to select a machine was back, but the UI-preview was missing. So, deselecting the UI-preview in the preferences, closed and restarted Fusion, enabled the UI-preview, closed (without signing off) and restarted Fusion. UI-preview was visible, but the option to select a machine in a CAM setup is gone again.....Man Frustrated


But the worst of all is, my Assets folder is empty. All my posts, machines, tools and templates are gone. Hours of work to create them, all down the drain. Man Mad


Reinstalled Fusion. At first the ability to select a machine wasn't there although the 'Manufacture'- options in the preferences were checked. Followed steps below.


1. Opened preferences

2. Unchecked the 'Manufacture'-options on the Preview page

3. Clicked OK. (waited for the message "Options will be synched to the cloud momentarily" to disappear)

4. Opened preferences

5. Checked the manufacture options on the Preview page again

6. Clicked OK (waited for the message "Options will be synched to the cloud momentarily" to disappear), and voila, now I can select a machine again.

7. Closing Fusion without signing off

8. Restarting Fusion --> and gone again is the ability to select a machine.....


I have to repeat steps 1 to 6 to be able to select a machine every time I start Fusion.


To summarize after update:

1. No machines to select in CAM setup, unless I dis- and re-enable the options in the preferences

2. Assets folder empty, all tools, templates,machines and post processors gone...


Autodesk, HELP! Is there a possibility to recover my Assets folder (backup)? For now that's the most important thing to me.

Product Design Suite 2024
Inventor 2024 (v 28.20.27200.0000), Vault Basic 2024
Fusion 360
HP Workstation Z4
Intel Xeon 3.4GHz
Windows 10 Professional (64bit)
20 Replies
Replies (20)


Thanks Jeff. I've sent you an email.

Product Design Suite 2024
Inventor 2024 (v 28.20.27200.0000), Vault Basic 2024
Fusion 360
HP Workstation Z4
Intel Xeon 3.4GHz
Windows 10 Professional (64bit)