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Ability to copy and paste data into multiple selection attributes

Ability to copy and paste data into multiple selection attributes

We map some of our multiple selection attributes to pick list that contain large data sets (WS based and 50k+ records). in our regular business, we also tend to more than 50 items regularly to a multiple selection attribute. such combination of large data sets and having to repeatedly search and select items over and over is not a great use of anyone's time. 

Should FLC provide the ability for users to copy and paste data either in delimited form or from a spreadsheet, it will greatly improve the user experience as well as the reduce the human effort. 

Status changed to: Under Review

Hi @Anonymous ,


Are those values matching the existing options in the multi-select dropdown?

What's your expectation for the ones that don't match? (I should also note that it would have to be an exact match).


Thanks in advance for the feedback,


Giliar Perez
Product Owner - Fusion Lifecycle
Autodesk Canada Co.

Not applicable

Hi Giliar

yes, the assumption is that the values match the existing options. in case there are values that don't match, the multi-select accepts the matching values and pop up those that are not, may be a handful in the message at least if there are too many unmatched values. this is the ideal scenario. 


thanks for coming back to me with your thoughts. 

much appreciated. 



Hi, I really appreciate this type of conceptual thinking and needs.


I wrote functionality to allow user to select data in Excel, copy-paste into a paragraph field, and then use use an on-edit script to unpack this data into the grid (including picklist fields).

Users can quickly migrate thousands of cells from their existing Excel template tables to grid contents.


It's pretty simple code. This is not exactly what you are asked for, and I don't understand fully your scenario, but I mention this in case it gives you inspiration for a workaround.


As Giliar says, to set values in a picklist (even multi-select) you just set to the value (for static picklists), or for linked picklists you set the descriptor. If there is such a value for the string(s) you provide, then it "sticks" and the link is/are created.


Perhaps you could paste your data into a paragraph field as delimited text, and use an on-edit script to manipulate it after that into the target fields?

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