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using sketch geo to make copper/tStop/tPlace


using sketch geo to make copper/tStop/tPlace




I've been messing around trying to get a decent workflow down for making artistic circuit boards. Using a combination of Eagle and Fusion. 

I'm struggling a bit, I can't install Shaper plugin for fusion on my mac as the installer is f***ed. So no svg out of fusion. 

Great so fusion export to dxf to svg to inkscape, to svg-importer script to eagle. Simple. But the sketch lines are not connected, takes a while to simplify each line and combine, eventually gets you somewhere close to drinking again. 



So ok Fusion all the way, I designed the layout in fusion, so surely I can just link the sketch geo and make a polygon plane, then import to ecad side of fusion and name it as such, tstop, top, tplace etc. 

But no, can't do that either. So maybe i just scrap the design I have, or remake it inside the 2d pcb part of fusion with the tools, they've at least got a spline. 


..... What do you mean you can't use the Spline on any other layer than DIMENSION. 

So I can't go back from fusion to eagle, and I can't go fusion to Fusion. 

I also think the workflow is kinda dumb in the 3d pcb part, you have no access to any of the tools you'd want. There's literally bodies there with copper and silkscreen, why can't I edit them from fusion. 


What I want from you lot is to be able to draw a trace with the fusion tools I know and love. 

Allow me to import a plane for copper, or tstop or blah from a sketch. Not just dimension.


It's just painful trying to figure this workflow out. And finding it's not built for it, and may not ever be built for it. 


And the roadmap is dumb drawing stuff. Stop moving on before finishing a milestone. 

Kindly, an idiot that pays for your software.

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