Hi @muriungi254,
I hope this message finds you well. Let's clarify
1. lbr - This extension is used to define a Fusion 360/EAGLE compatible library it's completely separate from the SPICE discussion. It's possible that a simulator uses the same extension, but I'm not aware of the top of my head.
2. mdl - This is the extension our built in SPICE engine (ngspice) uses for models. The file consist purely of SPICE syntax. Proprietary SPICE simulators support base SPICE syntax but build additional syntax on top of it which creates problems when you try to use models made for PSpice, TINA, etc. within our simulator. You basically have to replace those proprietary parts with plain SPICE.
3. lib, cir, asc, etc. - These are all different extensions used by various SPICE simulators. When you download a component model from a manufacturer in PSpice, TINA or whatever format the first thing to do is open it in a text editor and verify that the syntax looks like SPICE. If it does, save the file and change it's extension to mdl. Try mapping it to a device in the Device editor if there is no complaint then awesome you are done. If there is an error then you are going to have to start sifting through the file replacing the offending syntax with plain SPICE syntax (this requires knowledge of SPICE and is not an easy thing to do if you are new to it).
Ideally we would want to be able to use those models as is and @holger.vogt knows as well as we do that the latest versions of ngspice can actually use the files as is but so far we have not updated the SPICE engine to use a newer version it's on our to do list but we are addressing larger tasks at the moment.
Let me know if you continue to run into problems.
Best Regards,
Jorge Garcia
Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE
Kudos are much appreciated if the information I have shared is helpful to you and/or others.
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