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"The board file has errors and will be opened with warnings"


"The board file has errors and will be opened with warnings"


I'm getting the following warning and can't quite figure out how to make it go away.
"The board file xxx has errors and will be opened with warnings. Click OK to open the file with warnings or click Export to save a copy of the file and error logs as a ZIP file to send to support. Contact support."

I exported the zip file. Opening the error log, there's a single error:

 W a r n i n g s : 
 l i n e   5 7 0 :   i n v a l i d   v a l u e   ' S o l d e r - M a s k   C l e a r a n c e '   f o r   a t t r i b u t e   ' t y p e '   i n   t a g   < r u l e c a t e g o r y > 


It has something to do with DRC and a difference in settings between my setup and my coworker's setup. We use a bunch of bespoke design rule files so it probably has something to do with that. My coworker made the PCB and he does not get that error when opening the project. When I run my DRC, then save the project, the error goes away when opening the project. But the once my coworker runs his DRC and saves the project, the error returns for me. 

3 Replies
Replies (3)


Hello @n.smithHJCP5,


I've shared this with our developers for review. Would you be able to upload both your DRC files? It might be useful to do a comparison between them.


Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.


Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

Kudos are much appreciated if the information I have shared is helpful to you and/or others.

Did this resolve your issue? Please accept it "As a Solution" so others may benefit from it.


I figured it out. We were running different versions of Fusion 360. It seems like pinning fusion 360 to the windows task bar pins that version of fusion 360 to the task bar. 

This seems like an even bigger issue. When I was in the v2.0.17xxx version, I clicked "check for updates" and it told me "you're up to date" even though that was not true. It seems like because the newest version (v2.0.18441) was installed on my computer, whatever old version of fusion I was running would tell me I was up to date. There was no indication that I was using anything but the newest version. Also there should be a way to pin the newest version of fusion to the windows task bar. I shouldn't be expected to remap it every week.



Hi @n.smithHJCP5,

This happens because in the January Release - build 2.0.18220 we have changed the name of the Stop Mask Clearance rule to Solder Mask Clearance so the name is consistent with what we display in the UI. If your colleague is still using an older release then any designs that he saves and you load will have this issue. The easiest way to mitigate this is to ask your coleague to upgrade to the latest Fusion release.

If you are using any .edru files that were created using an older Fusion version where Stop Mask Clearance was used then you should load these files into the latest Fusion release and re-save them so the new Solder Mask Clearance nameis used instead of the legacy Stop Mask Clearance. From now on we are not going to touch these names so this would be an one off update.

You can fix the .edru files manually as well if you are not afraid of manual changes to Xml files by opening them in any text editor sich as (Visual Studio Code, Notepad++, etc.) and then search for text:  type="Stop-Mask Clearance" there should only be 2 occurences and replace them with type="Solder-Mask Clearance".

Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.


Kind Regards,



Constantin Popescu
Principal Software Engineer