Object selection distance
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The object selection in F360 (and Eagle before this) is clunky.
If I select this polygon, select the MOVE command and want to move it I have to right click and select Move:Group.
However, the 'selection border' is so big, you'll always select the object and get the above right-click dropdown. 1 pixel to the left and it will show Move:Group dropdown.
This also works for selecting components.
Consider the above image. With nothing selected, and right clicking on the top-left corner of the drop-down menu it's still selecting the circle. Why? I'm not even close to the circle.
I want to right click next to the first selection to move. Not having to find the invisible border around the object in which I still click that object. I want to right-click the white box, not the circle almost 2cm on my monitor apart.