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Mouse scroll direction reversed


Mouse scroll direction reversed


Hello everyone and best wishes for 2025...


Is it an impression or the direction of scrolling the mouse is reversed? I just realized it only now because I only use Fusion for small projects, and I hadn't opened it for months.


Moreover, is it finally the Dark mode implemented?



Replies (8)

Accepted solution

Hi @RitchieParis,


It's always nice to hear from you, I hope you're doing well.


Dark mode is close to being implemented, but on initial release Electronics won't be able to support it. That's the last I heard, I don't know if Autodesk has chosen to delay it to allow more environments to support it.


Where are you seeing the mouse scroll reversal? I figure it's electronics but want to confirm.



In the preferences, try putting a negative sign in front of the mouse wheel zoom factor.


Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.


Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

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Accepted solution

Hi Jorge and happy new year


It seems to work with the sign - but why has it changed ?????? In addition, the ERC no longer refreshes automatically when you correct an error while before yes!!! Now we have to relaunch it to take into account the changes!




In addition, yesterday I had another crash but without a message or crash declaration, and this during once again a library management!!!! The first of the year 2025!!!


Accepted solution

Hello @RitchieParis,


So nothing has changed in the code, the setting is how it's always been by default. Whenever a user complains about a reversed zoom, that preference allows them to adjust the behavior to however they feel it better. We haven't changed anything though. If you have any of your old EAGLE installs check the preferences for this setting, maybe you added the - sign there long ago.

The ERC has never been live, the DRC yes but the ERC no. Double check and you'll see that's the case.


Sorry about the crash, I hope all of the data was recovered.


Let me know if there's anything I can do for you.


Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

Kudos are much appreciated if the information I have shared is helpful to you and/or others.

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Accepted solution

Hi @RitchieParis ,


Happy New Year!


Few more comments for your reference. cc @jorge_garcia .

- About direction of scrolling the mouse

Yes, we did change the scroll direction about zoom in and zoom out in 2D PCB to make its consistent with the 3D Design and 3D PCB since last September release in year 2024. This was the requested from forum users in the past.

  • By default, mouse wheel zoom will behave exactly the same for MCAD and ECAD. (Scrolling in user direction (scrolling backward) -> "zoom in")
  • Both MCAD and ECAD will use the same setting for zoom settings (Preferences->General->Reverse zoom direction)

Screenshot 2025-01-10 at 10.19.50 AM.png

  • Users that really want to have a "reverse zoom direction" only for ECAD can set negative value in "Preferences->Electronics->Mouse wheel zoom"

Screenshot 2025-01-10 at 10.32.58 AM.png


- About the Live ERC

We don't support Live ERC yet and it was not existed in EAGLE either, but we only support Live DRC.

So for ERC update, please click the Refresh button in the ERC Panel to update it.

Screenshot 2025-01-10 at 10.34.11 AM.png


- About the crash in library management

Could you please share more information about this crash, what did you try to do before it? Any more info about this could help us to try to recreate it in our end. Much appreciated.


Hope you have a great day.

Best regards,


Helen Chen
Principle QA for Fusion 360 Electronics
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Accepted solution

Hi Jorge, 


Many thanks for your prompt reply, Sorry I thought it was also live for the ERC, I probably forgot because I don't use Fusion too much anymore, it's been months since I used it.


For the scrolling of the mouse I am sure it is reversed, but without gravity.


Thanks again Jorge


Accepted solution

Happy new year Helen


Thank you again for your always invaluable and precious help, and thank you for confirming that this has changed, I still thought I was going crazy! If it is a request from users I understand and I see that you listen to users and thank you.


I see that there are many developments and so much the better, but not the one I amended to fully use Fusion for large projects.


In future evolutions, when will it be possible to import logos or images in a simple way without going through this very old and totally obsolete BMP? When is it possible to draw shapes in a simple way on the grid without using the calculator? A little like ILLUSTRATION or you enter the dimensions you want without worrying about the grid, when will we be able to move a shape, a component via the left and right arrows, top and bottom of the keyboard? In short, a little flexibility in the graphic editing layer would be welcome, but I can only congratulate the evolutions, but it is not what I expected, allowing the choice of font (Custom) is a very good idea, but I would have preferred as a priority the simple import of image in a diagram, such as a transistor PIN out or other component as is done in Electronic Engineering, to do this, I am obliged to make a montage with Illustrator.


Thank you Helen once again for your valuable help and availability.


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Accepted solution

Hi @RitchieParis,


I hope you're doing well. Thanks to @HelenChen-ElectronicsQA for correcting me on the reversed mouse direction, I didn't remember that the change had been made.


Your frustrations with the BMP import are close to over. Keep your eyes open for the next few Fusion releases.


Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.


Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

Kudos are much appreciated if the information I have shared is helpful to you and/or others.

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Good evening Jorge,


Thank you for your answer that goes straight to my heart! FINALLY you listened to us! It will reconcile me with Fusion, it's very good news, a little more effort and I will finally be able to carry out big projects with Fusion.


THANK YOU 🙏🏻🙏🏻 further improve and simplify graphic editing, also allow you to make a project with several PCBs and I would be the first to congratulate you and sell the merits of Fusion.


Thank you Jorge

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