Hi @j_dommasch,
There is no way to adjust the netlist output. However there is an easy way to generate the dummy footprints. Go into the library and open a component. Then run the generate-dummy-package-and-connect.ulp that comes with Fusion. This will automatically generate a dummy package and connect it to your component. Save the library. Now this will show up in the netlist. Repeat for the rest of your parts.
If you want to get really adventurous you can probably generate all the dummy packages in one go. By using the run-loop-all-devicesets-script.ulp that also comes with Fusion. This ULP will run a script on every component in the library.
The script would be a one liner
RUN generate-dummy-package-and-connect.ulp;
If you have never heard of ULPs before, these are c-like programs that users and ourselves have developed to automate repetitive tasks. Fusion ships with over 100 of them. You can run them by going to the AUTOMATE menu and then clicking the ULP icon below. You can also type RUN and enter in the Electronics CLI and it will bring up the dialog. Scripts are just lists of CLI commands that electronics will run in sequence. They also appear under the AUTOMATE menu.
I know this was a lot, let me know if you have any questions. If this is your first foray into ULPs try the one component at a time approach.
Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.
Best Regards,
Jorge Garcia
Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE
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