Hi Ben,
I am glad I got your attention!
I have read your reply, but I think you miss the point of what one of my many frustrations is with Fusion Electronics .
"Slow" switching between SCH/BRD/3D-PCB is not really my issue. It's a bit slow but that does not frustrate me.
The main problem is "MULTIPLE TABS" & "MULTIPLE DOCUMENTS" in the "DATA PANEL" & sometimes the "SYNC" problems that go with that!
A PCB Board in reality is just one thing , a board, it does not need to be spread out over multiple separate documents with multiple saves , multiple names , multiple version etc.
We don't have separate files/documents for for SKETCHES and 3d MODELS do we?
We don't have separate files/documents for SHEET METAL components?
I usually have more than ONE PCB per assembly ( mechanical design) and usually have to work on them all at the same time, so that means if i need to work on say, 3 PCB's ( for the one assembly) I will have 12 TABS!!!! open and 12 Documents to view ( which move around as you save them, so you get lost) and select and name and describe and version and save and visually scan over ! when you have this many tabs or documents you cannot read the text in the tabs, it gets truncated, Aslo the tabs are always in the correct order, so i constantly select the wrong tab, or take to much time switching .
On top of this, SYNC Problems are a result of SEPARATE DOCUMENTS! If you get rid of the separate documents, you also get rid of the sync problems (This is a selling feature!). I cannot stress this point enough, and if you get rid of the multiple documents, you also get rid of the "TOO MANY TABS" problem!
I have one large project that's ongoing and that has 9 PCB designs in it! thats 36 files to manage! ARRRHH!
NOW, you mentioned CONTAINERS, well that's how you solve it, You keep the sch/brd/3d-pcb inside a container file ( or however autodesk do this) which is ALL SYNCHRONIZED AT THE SAME TIME whenever a change is made and it appears in the data panel as one document with one NAME and one VERSION! So if you make a change on the schematic, then the BRD and 3D views will receive those changes.
Why don't you have a user preference setting that allows you to select the file structure for a pcb design??
1) Separate Documents/Files
2) One Document/File
This setting can be a default and can be presented/asked for each time a new pcb design is first created!
You can even have it so that later you can change the structure from single to multiple?
But PLease, Don't make the workflow and file management so complicated/confusing (and prone to break) to please team collaboration at the expense of many single users, (Like me), Autodesk developers need to HIDE the features that teams need from single users! So maybe as part of the preferences, that you can set ( SINGLE or TEAM ) and then fusion will present the tools and workspaces differently as needed! or even set this per project/design?
So, based on what you have written, I am not happy about this, as autodesk have already made up their minds, they are set in their ways and us users NEVER GOT A SAY into what we need.
There is not even a ROADMAP for electronics!
There is not even a FEEDBACK Post in the feedback hub for electronics?
I know what i have asked for will never be implemented, my frustrations will never be solved. so I WILL ALWAYS BE FRUSTRATED WITH FUSION ELECTRONICS, ALWAYS!
PS, and i haven't even mentioned the library! That's a bigger problem!
at least i asked.
Dave M.