Failure to update from libraries - and problems reverting


Failure to update from libraries - and problems reverting


I have a design that is essentially complete.  Unfortunately I realized that I left the tDocu layer off of a couple of the new components I added to my libraries.  So the solution seemed simple:

  • Open the Library Manager
  • Open the library to be updated from the In Use tab (NOT the In Design tab)
  • Add the tDocu layer to the foot print
  • Save the library
  • Go to my schematic
  • Choose Update Design From Library
  • Select the library I just updated

Problem is this is consistently (but not always) causing a catastrophic error (see the attached picture).  It totally destroys the sync between the schematic and the PCB.  At this point, my only option is to revert, which in itself in a time consuming and complicated task. 


I have a version open, with changes (BAD CHANGES).  I WANT to just close and not save the changes, but this seems impossible.  There is no "close" or "revert changes" and if I close by clicking the 'X' for the tab, it saves it first and updates the version number.  Instead, what I have to do is

  • close the current BAD versions and let Fusion update the version number
  • open the PREVIOUS versions (schematic and PCB), PRIOR to the BAD CHANGES
  • save these previous versions using Save As Latest
  • open the project file
    • when Fusion 360 prompts that there are NEWER versions than what was last saved, ACCEPT
  • save the project file


Now I have effectively REVERTED.  This process is TERRIBLE:

  • My history is littered with versions containing BAD CHANGES - I mean BAD as in caused by Fusion and will NOT work
  • To revert I have to close 3 files (project, schematic, pcb), open two old ones (schematic and PCB), then update the project file.


This could all be eliminated by allowing me to just NOT SAVE the BAD CHANGES.   Also,  logically, why can't I just go to the PROJECT file and do a "SAVE AS LATEST" and have it update the project to use the latest versions of the associated files???


Tonight I have spent roughly 4 hours just trying to update FOUR foot prints in four different libraries, and I was only successful getting two of them to update.  


Part of my solution was to quit Fusion 360 and reboot my computer.  Not exactly optimal.

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Is there any possible update/resolution to this?  Should I be opening a ticket instead of posting here.  This is happening anytime I try to replace a part too.  I've discovered the only work around is to ADD the new part, delete the old part and then move the new part into place.