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F360 is less responsive than few months ago

Message 1 of 7
267 Views, 6 Replies

F360 is less responsive than few months ago

I have observed that F360 is much slower, less responsive than it was few months ago. When I do some layout rework I see it take few seconds after it will apply for example 2mm track movement. 4 or 5 months ago or 4-5 major updates it was very responsive and fast on my computer. It is not devil machine, but it was sufficient and comfortable to work on it. The slowness I did not discover now but already then, I had other tasks to do, thus the post is today.


I5 3,3GHz 16GB RAM, Nvidia GTX1050 and 2nd onboard Intel HD 4600. 3 Displays. How do I actually select which GPu is rendering or computing PCB?, there is only directx or opengl  to select but nothing about GPU. Is the GPU anyhow used or the CPU only?.


Message 2 of 7

If memory serves, Fusion does little to utilize GPU. It is really only offloaded from the CPU during local render and simulation I believe (probably if ray tracing is enabled as well in the render workspace). I'm not really sure from the electronics side.


There have been other discussions about this on the mechanical side of the forum and a bone of contention among some users.




Steve Ritter
Manufacturing Engineer

Fusion 360
Message 3 of 7

Hi @christopher2KLSVU ,


I hope you're doing well. Steve is correct, currently Fusion doesn't use the GPU for much. It's kind of a controversial design decision, the goal was that Fusion should run on any type of hardware. Not every computer has a GPU so originally Fusion was architected to avoid it. Nowadays, I would argue that the situation is somewhat different and that decision should be re-considered. With that said there are others responsible for the when and how such a change would be implemented. I'll pass it along.


Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.


Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

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Message 4 of 7

Ok gpu is not used but what has happened that it becomes so slow, same project, same hardwarez few months before it was like a rocket. No any issues with computer or other software. Perhaps something is wrong coded or not optimised?


As for now I can not work effective, am I forced to buy new computer? Is there any chance to fix it in the future release?

Message 5 of 7


My 16GB RAM is used in 50%, 50% is free, even F360doing something never goes higher than 53%.

Message 6 of 7

Hi @christopher2KLSVU ,


I would not recommend buying a new computer and the goal is to be constantly optimizing Fusion 360's performance. I'll ping the developers to see if there's anything that sticks out as possibly changing performance that drastically.


Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.


Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

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Message 7 of 7

Hi @christopher2KLSVU ,


Let me ask you, is this with all your designs or just a few? Do you know more specifically when you started to notice the drop in performance? Does it happen specifically with certain commands or is it a general slow down?


Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

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