Crashed and NO RECOVERY FILES. Hours of work lost.


Crashed and NO RECOVERY FILES. Hours of work lost.



@jorge_garcia @RichardHammerl 
I'm about had to up to here.....

Fusion crashed (for the 3rd or 4th time today).
But this time, I was creating a new device, with a very complex footprint, that had taken hours to make.
Then, when saving the library... BANG!!!! CRASH!!!

And when I restarted, there WERE NO FILES TO RECOVER!
This means I have to start all over again.

Who's going to pay for the lost hours??
As others, I am beginning to think if there is some legal action to take.
I'm tired of being your alpha tester.

This is ridiculous, that you cannot fix this joke of a program.
It crashes continuously, in all different ways.
I can 100% say, this is the worst piece of crap program I have been using for the last 10-15 years.
Admittedly, it works well, when it works.

But it is just too darn dangerous to do any commercial work with it.


24 Replies
Replies (24)

Can you share the footprint?


It's gone!

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Man, that really sucks.


IIRC, recovery files are also discoverable from the File menu. Vain hope that they may exist but were just not automatically detected. Worth a last ditch check before you start all over again (in Eagle).


I'm only using this as a hobby, and I'm running out of will power to plow onwards. It's only that I paid quite a lot of cash for it that makes be belligerent enough to persist. If it were my job I would be standing well away right now. It does have some great features, and I have high hopes for the future, but it isn't suitable for professional use yet. I don't really understand why an App that runs reliably could be so unreliable when moved across to Fusion. It is presumably 90% shared source for the core of the program. Only the file access and GUI layers would be noticeably different (instinctive assessment from a s/w engineer with no knowledge of the Eagle internals, to be fair).


Reiterating a previous comment: AD please please stop adding features and throw all your engineers at hardening the existing codebase.


I would far rather spend more time doing things the hard way than have to keep rewinding my work following a crash. It's all possible from the command line anyway.



Hi Everyone,


Thanks for the feedback. I'll keep pushing it up the chain.


One thing I'm curious about. Is everyone on this thread a Mac user? The reason I ask is that I'm on Windows and I do not run into crashes with anywhere near the frequency @jesper8W75R and other mac users on the forums are reporting. I'm trying to see if I can make a reasonable case for investigating differences between the two OSes.


Thanks in advanced for this insight.


I truly am sorry for the crashes some of you are running into, and I'm doing my part to get them seen.


Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.


Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

Kudos are much appreciated if the information I have shared is helpful to you and/or others.

Did this resolve your issue? Please accept it "As a Solution" so others may benefit from it.


No, I use Windows. I generally see crashes several times a session (2 hour time period). Sometimes I have managed not to see a crash in that time, but that is rare.

The worst part is that it is very rare for the crash to be caught by Fusion (no crash report). And it is not repeatable, so there is very little that I can report in terms of cause. My feeling is that it is GUI related, but that's just a guess. When I reload my design, and repeat what I was doing I do not see the crashes.

On several occasions the crashes have rendered my design inconsistent (Schematic/PCB out of sync), and I have had to rewind, throwing away work to recover from this).

I am getting by, only by being paranoid. Save everything every few minutes.

One further thought I have is that most of my crashes have been during library maintenance/editing type work (I am still ramping up so everything needs a new component to be designed). I will try to confirm that over the weekend.



I get crashes sometimes. For now only when I try to move line or pad or something.

This morning it crashed. That problem exists for a year.


I guess I click too many times on a line since it's weird UX for moving things. I have to click on the object first and that click and hold while moving.


Windows 10 Pro for workstations, Ryzen 4600H, 16GB.



Like @jonrbloom I also have crash paranoia, and usually save very often.
Sadly, not that day.
But, I also agree that most crashes are related to library handling, some way or the other.

And another thing is that Fusion have NEVER crashed for me when I do "regular" 3D Fusion work.
In Fusion Electronics, it crashes a couple of times daily.
I have mostly stopped reporting these crashes, I just don't have the time.

The reason you might not see this, is that you might not be "using" the program the way we do.
I work with Fusion (when I'm not writing bug reports or angry forum posts) 10-12 hours every day.
And the designs involves using basically everything it offers and a VERY high amount of work involving libraries.
Also, due to the lack of information, documentation and the insane and obscure way things have to be done, we might sometimes do things that are "wrong", leading to a crash or other issues.

You really need to stop and think it all over.
STOP new development. 
FIX the bugs and get the basic code in order first.
RETHINK the design and the GUI.
Then you can start adding new things.



Hi all;


I also have crash paranoia too and especially with the libraries !! 


Before Fusion didn't crash so much on libraries, it's time to realize that there is a problem with the management of your libraries, isn't it? GIVE US THE LOCAL MANAGEMENT because I'm sure it's your cloud management that makes FUSION crash.

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It's the same for me, when working with libraries I have random crashes, sometimes even right after starting fusion again and doing one small change.

And allmost every time I'm not able to reproduce the crash.
It is so frustrating because overall the PCB layouting in Fusion is working well, even with some features that are better than in eagle. But loosing work all the time is very frustrating.
I even switched back creating libraries with EAGLE and then using the managed librarie in Fusion.

@Anonymous you should realy concentrate on fixing existing bugs and making the EAGLE integration more robust, then add new features.
There is no use in adding features when you can't use them becaus of ****ty stability issues.

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Absolutely ok with you.

Why would you want to add floors to the building when the foundations are not finished?


Hey everyone,


Thank you for the candid feedback, the part that raises the most flags for me is the fact that the crashes are not reproducible and that they are happening often.


I'll take this up the chain as well. Everyone is mentioning the crashes happening during library editing. 


Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

Kudos are much appreciated if the information I have shared is helpful to you and/or others.

Did this resolve your issue? Please accept it "As a Solution" so others may benefit from it.

Community Visitor
Community Visitor

Unfortunately the exact same thing happened to me today. Basically everything is lost from the moment I opened Fusion 360 today until the crash, no recovery files (I also manually checked). Seems like the auto save function failed quite badly?


I am on Windows and it happened when I clicked one of the buttons on my space mouse which is configured as measure, nothing special. 



Hi @jeroenkrot ,


Sorry to hear about that you're having trouble.

May I know whether you created managed library or push new version to for your managed library between you launched Fusion last time and crashed?


Looking forward to your feedback.

Best regards,


Helen Chen
Principle QA for Fusion 360 Electronics


Same here, I spent all day editing a design on 12/1 and today i came back to it, and in my recents i found nothing since 11/30. No recovery, nothing in the manual folder check. I recall saving regularly and even exported 3mf files but an entire day or two of work are just completely vanished. I get regular crashes from this god awful program with no issues recovering files, but that day i recall it working somewhat reliably. I'm about ready to throw my laptop out the window (a regular occurrence with what would otherwise be one of the most versatile programs around).


Never posted before but the mental wear of dealing with this garbage and going on to forums only to find that everyone else just has to deal with it has gotten to the point where I really just wish the devs could tear the whole thing apart and start over, instead of pushing monetization of what were once basic features such as single point load simulation.



Hi @Juanovalle973,


Sorry to hear that you're having trouble and so sorry for any inconvenience.  


Are you working with Fusion Electronics designs?

From your comment, seems you are talking about Fusion 3D design workspace but not Electronics design workspace?

 I recall saving regularly and even exported 3mf files but an entire day or two of work are just completely vanished.

Do you mean you save the file in Fusion, but the saved changes completely vanished even if reopen the saved file? Sorry that I am confused about this. If the file is saved in Fusion with new version, then suppose open the saved file from Fusion Data Panel, the changes should be there.


If it's about Fusion Electronics designs crashes issue about auto-save, we just released a new Fusion version 2.0.17954 with a fix about auto-save Electronics design crash issues which had issue in Nov.

Could you please upgrade Fusion to latest version 2.0.17954? Then suppose it should work.  


Thank you for checking.

Best regards,


Helen Chen
Principle QA for Fusion 360 Electronics


Hi, I was referring to 3D in this case. 


I mean, there is simply no save file in the version history corresponding to that date at all. The only available history is prior to it on that same part. I exported and (assumedly) saved, however I could not find any record of it when attempting to open it later. 



Hi @Juanovalle973


Thank you very much for your clarification.

Because this is Fusion 3D design related issue, may I ask your help to follow up instead, @Phil.E?

Thank you!


Best regards,


Helen Chen
Principle QA for Fusion 360 Electronics


Hi @Juanovalle973,


Do you mind sharing the crash report ID you got with us? I will contact you offline in Private Message to get more information and will forward to Fusion 3D design coworker to have a look.


Thank you very much for your help and patience.


Best regards,


Helen Chen
Principle QA for Fusion 360 Electronics


After weeks and weeks of pain (and 20 years of productivity with eagle) I cannot agree more to your statements... this is the only way forward, Autodesk:



You really need to stop and think it all over.
STOP new development. 
FIX the bugs and get the basic code in order first.
RETHINK the design and the GUI.


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