I hope you're doing well. It sounds like you used FusionTeam to push the design files. Depending on where you have them you could link them in a Fusion360 Electronics Design. If you don't see them in the Fusion360 data panel then you can always download them from Fusion Team and then re-upload them to Fusion360.
So there are options. The easiest is going to follow this procedure:
1. In Fusion360 click File > New Electronics Design
2. Once the design is open click the associate schematic icon
3. In the dialog find your schematic(it should be somewhere in your Fusion360 hub or possibly in your single user storage)
4. Click OK to link the schematic to your design.
5. Repeat for the Board.
Let me know if you continue to run into problems.
Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE
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