@jorge_garcia Yes, Jorge, I've been staying a way from here to reduce stress.
I've learned the hard way than reporting bugs or complaining about odd or broken functionality to Autodesk, is a waste of time.
I update, sometimes more than once a week, and still, some of the bugs I reported 3 years ago, ARE STILL THERE.
And, of course, you've come up with a whole bunch of new ones. Files that cant be deleted, files and project that has totally disappeared both from Fusion and the Web view (This is serious sh*t, as we, because of you forcing us to use the cloud, have NO LOCAL BACKUP!)
I could go on and on, but I simply got tired of playing beta tester for you, especially when seeing that nobody gave a sh*t about the bug reports. At least Fusion doesn't crash several times daily anymore, I'm down to a couple of times a week.
Also, an almost total lack of setting up defaults (even though it's a little better than a couple of years back), so every time I start on a new design, I have to click here and there to set everything up to MY preferred defaults.
Also a thing, reported ages ago.
I tried your suggestion with the Selection Filter and the layer list. It does, kinda give the same functionality, and only select components on the active layer, but it STILL shows the origins of the layer you're not interested in.
So, there's no de-clutter, as there was then we had the tOrigins and bOrigins layers.
Again, if you feel for adding new functionality, WHY WHY WHY do you have to break the old one? It's beyond me.
And while it does, sorta, work, it's a lot of mouse clicking, selecting in the list, clicking, and restoring the list to what it was before. EXTREMELY more complex than it was with the layers.
But sure, please DO tell how to script this, so a single mouse-click with do it.
Ok, I'll back with the airwires issue. It seems there is new functionality that allows starting routing simply by clicking on a pad/via/existing track, which will allow starting routing at the end you prefer, this was not here earlier (in whatever version).
So, that works now, thank you.