Can't create PCB... only option is "Create, 3D PCB"


Can't create PCB... only option is "Create, 3D PCB"

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Sorry, noob nere.


I previously created a PCB in fusion following one of the online tutorials, everything worked as expected, and i was pushing and pulling from eagle and fusion.... unfortunately when i needed to make changes to a hole pattern on the board i realised i must not have had history enabled as i was unable to edit the sketch 😞


so i decided to start the PCB again making sure that history was enabled, but when going to the create menu the only option i have now is to create a 3D PCB. this seems like something different to what i was working with previously. Am i missing something obvious here?


Even creating a simple rectangle sketch only gives the option to create a 3D PCB

4 Replies
Replies (4)

Hello @Anonymous,

I hope you're doing well. What you have to do is create the 3D PCB and then once the 3D PCB has been created you can push to 2D PCB to get your correct outline.

Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.

Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

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Hi Jorge, thanks for the help.


So was this because fusion has been updated and the process from here on will be to create 3D PCB then puh to 2D?


I did as you instructed and created a 3D PCB and pushed to 2D, saved both fles but in eagle when i try to sync with fusion and pull the board, i see the files directory and both the 2D and 3D PCB files but theyr'e both greyed out and i can't select them.... am i doing something stupid again?




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Ok, so if i export it as a .brd in fusion and then import the .brd in eagle it is viewable... but when pushing back to fusion to view with all 3D comonents I'm still finding i cannot edit the boards original sketch, to change a hole pattern on the boards original sketch for example.


Is this normal behviour or am i missing something obvious again?


Hi @Anonymous,

I hope you're doing well. Changing holes is a bit of a pain right now. I defer to this post for the process:

It will get better.

Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.

Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

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