BMP inserted with ULP but not transferred to the 3D board

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BMP inserted with ULP but not transferred to the 3D board

Community Visitor
Community Visitor

I inserted the desired logo with the ULP command and placed it on "level" 24. When I select the layer in the selection filter, it is the same as the component designation, i.e. R or similar. However, when transferring to the 3D version, only the R is transferred, but not the logo. When exporting to order the board, this logo is also not transferred.

I urgently need help with this problem.

1 Reply
Reply (1)


Hi @fabian_pense,


Was the logo made as a library component? Can you confirm if you have a black rectangle over the logo?


If it is not a library component, I would recommend you put it on the tPlace or bPlace layers since that is where the silkscreen logo is expected if you want to use default layers. For more flexibility I would recommend you place the logo on a user layer and then add that to the editable layer set. You can do this by clicking the gear at the top of the layers panel.


Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.


Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

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