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Better flip/mirror command


Better flip/mirror command



will flip/mirror command will be updated?

For now, mirror only changes top to bottom and vice versa.

So, my idea is to extend move command with flip -> Flip selected objects on same layer over X or Y axis.


Also, UX is really bad with move and mirror commands. I'm using Fusion for over a year(for electornics) and I'm still not sure how it works.

In this case, I select objects, press M(move command) and click onto mirror icon. It does nothing. I have to first open move command, select mirror command and then click on every object I want to mirror. And after I click on it, it starts to move. Also, why mirror command has unmirrored and mirrored icon?


First, flip should be tool that flips objects onto bottom/top layer. Mirror should be tool that mirrors selected objects onto same layer over selected axis(at 0,0 point).


Second, UX should be better. Separate move, flip and mirror commands. For flip and move it should be this workflow - select objects, launch command, select commands options(in GUI, not with text) and click ok.

In case of mirror(not current mirror) options would be X or Y axis.

Accepted solutions (1)
7 Replies
Replies (7)


Hi @silvio3105 


Nice to hear from you. So lets talk about this, first off mirror in the schematic behaves as you would expect but that behavior can lead to serious problems on the 2D PCB.  In the PCB layout if your mirror a component on the same layer on the X or Y axis you will get a footprint that is wrong. That's why it doesn't work that way, you could argue that it's still useful for visual features (logos, notes, etc.) so if it were implemented we would have to make sure that it would not apply to components.

Now as far as the workflow goes, mirror is embedded in the move command same as rotate. So while moving a component right click rotates, middle mouse button mirrors it. No need to go to the mirror command on it's own. 

I'll report your suggestion, thank you for the feedback.


Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

Kudos are much appreciated if the information I have shared is helpful to you and/or others.

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I need mirror(not flip to bottom layer!) in 2D(in lib workspace) since many footprints are symetric and mirror would help a lot when drawning complex silkscreen.


If you ask me, I would disable flip(top->bottom and vice versa) in lib workspace. Mirror(same layer, over X/Y axis) can be used in PCB workspace.


Here's a video with UX bug with move command dialog.


Move dialog has two mirror icons.

Why two? I don't understand, either you mirror or not. It would make a sense to use one icon/button to mirror from top to bottom and the other one from bottom to top. I used same button to flip top-bottom and bottom-top.







@jorge_garcia Just because you mirror on the same layer, does not mean you get a footprint that is wrong.
I needed it the other day, to flip my 2.4GHz PCB antenna.
It was not possible, so I had to flip it in the footprint editor and make a new, unnecessary footprint.
The world exist of more that what your designers can think of.
The lack of flexibility and hardcoded solutions is one of the things that really bugs me with Fusion.
It seems the designers never have tried to make a PCB.

So, it's nonsense to say, "we would have to make sure that it would not apply to components."
You are NOT the PCB police. Or our nannies.

Give us the options. NON LIMITED.
And we'll make sure to use it where it does most good.

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Accepted solution

Hi @jesper8W75R,


I see your point, but that's a special case. I shouldn't have spoken in absolutes, many footprints will break if your mirror the footprint on the same layer. Try it with a 56 pin QFN component and see what happens.


I get wanting complete freedom and I generally agree, but I am concerned about allowing users to shoot themselves in the foot. I know I don't have to worry about a user like you @jesper8W75R or you @silvio3105 , but this time of freedom if misused could lead to damaged boards and that's something to consider.

In any case it's not my decision, but I'll make sure to report the suggestion.


Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.


Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

Kudos are much appreciated if the information I have shared is helpful to you and/or others.

Did this resolve your issue? Please accept it "As a Solution" so others may benefit from it.


Regarding shooting yourself in the foot, you have already supplied us with gatling guns, explosives and ballistic missiles.
I doubt this change would make it more dangerous.

If people don't know what way a device should point, they should not be doing electronics design whatsoever.
I REALLY don't like the nannying that Autodesk enforces, it makes to many things difficult, for no reason.
How about a "I'm an advanced user, gimme the lot" checkbox, so we can avoid all that?

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I hope this will get fixed soon.