3D model wont show in Library manager.


3D model wont show in Library manager.


I have a connector, which is a bit troublesome as to the appearance (posted in other Fusion forum: https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/fusion-360-design-validate/component-losing-appearance-changes-after-...)

But, I also have problems getting it to show in Library manager.
Screen Shot 2022-05-01 at 10.41.28.png

It keeps coming up as the "default" box.
I have had it show once or twice, but after editing the 3D model, it disappeared and I can't get it to show.
It works as it should though, it shows perfectly on my 3D PCB. (but will of course show as "missing" in "Push to 3D PCB").

I am SO tired of all these bugs. Every day, struggling with weird issues, bugs, problems, lag.
When will you ever fix this ****?


5 Replies
Replies (5)


Hi @jesper8W75R ,


You mention editing the 3D model, how are you editing it? Are you actually swapping out the rectangle for something else, or just leaving it as is?


If I'm understanding you correctly, you are talking about the 3D model preview in the device editor that sometimes it doesn't appear.


Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.


Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

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Yes, it's the preview that is bugged. The model will render properly on the 3D PCB.
This is not the only device where this happens, and it is also random, it seems.
Actually, before my last edit of the model, it DID appear correctly, but was then replaced with the box.

The procedure is simple, I do like I add/edit all other models:

I open the library, "Edit" on the 3D model (which, despite not existing, might have to be downloaded from  some mystical place where the default boxes live). And save the model to my 3D Models folder.
I then Insert my STEP model, move it into place, save the 3D model again, then click "Finish".
I then save the library again.

Usually, on Thursdays, between 3 and 3:30, with the wind in the back and a full moon, my 3D model will then show up in the library.
Just as often not.




Hi @jesper8W75R,


I hope you're doing well.  Just want to confirm, when you edit the 3D model you do all of this through the library itself right?

One thing that creates problems and isn't obvious is that the 3D models should not be edited outside of the library. I don't think you have done this but want to confirm. This is something that we are going to improve.


Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

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It depends....
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "outside" the library.

If I have an externally obtained STEP model, then I usually edit that (change colors e.t.c.)
Then I go to the library and update the model (from the external reference, as requested to by Fusion), do the save, finish e.t.c.

With package generated models, I might edit it it "from" the library directly.

In the end, the result should be the same, as in both cases, the model have been updated "in" the library.



Hi @jesper8W75R,


I hope you're doing well. What I mean specificallly is that when you create a 3D model in the library you know that it saves the 3D model as it's own file outside of the library. What I was asking is if you were editing that singular file out side of the library. It sounds like you are not.


I agree that regardless of where you edit it, it should work but right now that's not the case.


Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.


Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

Kudos are much appreciated if the information I have shared is helpful to you and/or others.

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