I drew 2 components, one has a body and one does not. I need to turn them into 1 body so I can make a STL file and 3d print it.
So why does 1 component lack a "body"?
Hi @Anonymous,
I believe this will answer your question: R.U.L.E #1 - http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/post-your-tips-and-tutorials/fusion-360-r-u-l-e-1-and-2/td-p/6581749
Cheers / Ben
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Ben Korez
Owner, TESREG.com & Fusion 360 NewbiesPlus
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It is dificult to see what might be the problem without havng acces to teh model, however, the culprit her might be component activation, or better the lack of it.
When you attempted to create the second body in component6 you migh still have had component5 activated.
When you created the geometry it auto-joined to the first body.
In either case, the end result would actually an empty component.
When you use the Modify-> Combine (join)" command it will absorb the tool body, unless you eneable "keep tool bodies".
If you don;t nbeed that empty component anyore you can use "remove" to remove it from the browser and timeline. You should not "delete" it, however.
I closed and saved thedrawing and then opened it again and the "body" appeared fine so its likely it is some sort of bug.
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