More freedom within design...


More freedom within design...


Need some slight guidance.... 


Working on a side project for my Boss's son, who is refurbishing a 72 Bronco.  I scanned and re-engineered the dash to build the layout to his desired look.


The problem: the shop that's building it is asking for the design drawings of which there are multiple sheets in the same file.  However, one sheet is larger and designed for a plotter print.  When I adjust the font height on that sheet so the dimensions can be seen, it changes the text height on ALL the sheets.


Question: Is there a way to adjust font height on each sheet without disturbing other sheets? Or am I going to have to make a separate drawing file for the plotter print drawing?


If not, then this is something AD needs to work on for functionality.  Move some of the "Document Settings" in the Browser to Sheet settings.  It would make life so much simpler.


Attached screenshots: as you can see in SS 211503 the sheet size is 11 x 8.5 and you can see the dimensions. Their placement got all janky when I changed the font height back to its normal setting after realizing changing it on sheet changes it for all sheets


In SS 211602 you can see its a plotter print and you can't even tell there are dimensions on the drawing.

Replies (2)


Hi @qcshipping 


Thanks for sharing. I'll create a new feature request for this. 


My understanding, is that you would like to control text heights per page.


Every customer request that we get, from meetings, emails, forum posts etc. gets collected and categorised in our feature request database. This information is used to prioritise the features that we build. I've added your request to our database.


A workaround that could work well for you now, could be to change the document settings on the larger page, export a PDF of that page, then set the document settings back and export the rest.



Ctrl selecting sheets and choosing Export to PDF will give you a pre-selected set of sheets to export.



Clint Brown
Product Manager - Autodesk Fusion

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Basically, yes.  I think it would be beneficial to allow different sheets to have a separate "page layout" where users can dictate: Font, Text Height, Line Width, etc.  We already can change the attributes of the title block, why not the other attributes. 


I think it would be simple that when you click the "add sheet '+' " it uses the settings from the first sheet as a default.  But, you have the option to change the attributes without affecting other sheets. 


Your work around is a good idea.  I just created a separate drawing in my same file for this project. But, it doesn't really feel efficient.