This is a relatively simple request and I wonder why it wasn't implemented yet:
Please add placeholders to the text in sketches.
I am used to adding a part number to all parts I design. So after producing them, I easily find the correct drawing/design and can reproduce or change the part.
Fusion360 currently lacks any direct support for part numbers, instead of in the drawings, the component name is used as the part number. Usually, I use part numbers like this: LR2055-2382A, but in the component name, I also like to add a more descriptive name. So, my components are named like this "LR2055-2382A Top Enclosure Wall".
Situation A - Variants:
After finishing a design, I often do variants of the same design which will get different part numbers. Here I create a copy of the parametric design, adjust the parameters and solve all resulting problems for the variant. This is often necessary for complex designs where a simple parameter change does not work for certain features.
I also rename the components, using the new part numbers. So I can keep track of all the variants, especially if I insert them into other designs.
Situation B - Change Numbering Scheme:
While working on a complex design with many parts, I sometimes change the part numbering scheme. So usually, while a project starts small, I use three-digit numbers for all parts (LR2055-XXXR), but if a project reaches a certain complexity, I switch to four or five-digit numbers (LR2055-YYXXR or LR2055-ZYYXXR) to reflect a larger grouping of components and component types in the part numbers.
If I reach this point, I go through the designs and rename the components with the new numbers.
Situation C - Revisions:
I mark different revisions with a letter at the end of the part number. If I find problems with a certain part and I have to fix geometry to solve the problem, I increase the revision. I start with the letter "A" and each revision will increase this letter at the end of the part number.
Problem with the Current Version of Fusion360 (2.0.9313):
Every time I change the component name, I also have to search the sketch, where I added the part number to the body of the part. I have to open the sketch and change the text with the new part number. This is an error-prone process and it is very likely I miss a part number or mistype it.
Suggested Solution:
a) Simplest: Component Name Placeholder in Text
It should be possible to add the component name, where the sketch lives to the text in the text field. Either there is a command in the user interface to insert the component name placeholder, or a special text syntax is used, like:
If the component name changes, the text should update and trigger a recalculation of the depending features.
b) Better: Partial Component Name Placeholders
Because the part number is often just the initial part of the component name, a special placeholder would be nice, which just inserts the first part up to the first space character on the name.
So if the component name is: "LR2055-121A Top Enclosure Wall", this placeholder would only insert "LR2055-121A".
c) Even better: Introduce document name, partial document name, etc.
The part number usually starts with the project identifier or series identifier which is part of the document name. Allowing the document name or part of the document as placeholder would make this usage even more versatile. One could place the names like this:
In the sketch, where the part number is added to the part, one could use a combination of placeholders:
Which would be replaced with the current part number:
If the name of the document changes or the name of the component changes, the features will automatically be recalculated based on the new names.
d) Introduce text parameters.
Another feature, which would make text placeholders more versatile, would be text parameters. They will work like any other kind of parameter but affect texts in the design where the parameter is used as a placeholder.
I was kind of surprised this isn't implemented. Single and double "mustache" templates have become pervasive lately, with the .net/python `{}` becoming normal in programming languages (even c++20 adopted this for `std::format`) and `{{}}` in template languages (e.g golang templates, jinja2, etc).
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