Dimension input is very buggy and annoying


Dimension input is very buggy and annoying


First, autocomplete is essential to parameter-based designs.


What I want to point out is how terrible is the experience of using dimension input (at least on macOSโ€”I have no experience with Fusion on Windowsโ€”although I'd love to use it on Linux). Here are a couple of Screencasts demonstrating some issues, but since the forums don't allow inserting multiple screencasts, I am forced to just link to them:


Screencast 1: http://autode.sk/2mbp9L2


This first video demonstrates how there is a problem tabbing between dimensions after using autocomplete in a dimension. I used autocomplete to select the value "long" and then committed it by pressing Enter. Then I pressed Tab to go to the next dimension in the rectangle, but it did nothing. I had to press Tab again to actually switch.


It also demonstrates how autocomplete steals focus from the design during many operations which involve selecting multiple geometry: in this case I demonstrated fillets and how each time I let go of the Command key, I have to click to disable autocomplete before I can select more geometry, even though I did not interact with the dimension input box.


Here is a second screencast:


Screencast 2: http://autode.sk/2mboQjb


This second video demonstrates how Fusion 360 has always had a bug where creating an initial offset dimension using a parameter does not associate the parameter, but just the value of it.


These are just two short demonstrations of some of the ways that dimension input boxes are buggy as hell. This is probably an aspect of Fusion that is in use well over 90% of the time that I am interacting with the software and causes much anger in me because it is such a basic aspect of CAD software that has never been right.


This is definitely related to Buggy Dimension Input on MacBook Pro (MacOS Sierra), which was incorrectly marked as Solved.

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Thanks for the post. There are a few things going on here.


First, I cannot reproduce the tabbing effect in your first video. Can you try again in today's build, there was an update last night.


The problems you show with editing the fillet, that is now logged. Thanks for the clear videos and descriptions. The problem is related to the use of the command key to clear the preview and allow another edge selection. It has nothing to do with autocomplete other than autocomplete makes it easier to achieve.


The problem with parametric offset came about when we introduced it. We found that it was crashing or producing bad results, so we disabled it on purpose. This fix has a dependency on a third party so I've asked for an update to see if that has in fact been fixed by the third party and can be consumed by Fusion.


Thanks again for your excellent post and diagnosis. 





Phil Eichmiller
Software Engineer
Quality Assurance
Autodesk, Inc.



Hi Phil: Thanks for some of the background on the Offset problem. Also, those screencasts were recorded using the update you mentioned (v2.0.2862).



Hi @Phil.E. I am writing to make sure you saw my post above.


  1. Has there been any progress on these issues?
  2. What did you hear regarding the Offset parametric dimension issue from your "third party"?

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To be brief, no and still investigating.


For #1, as I stated, I cannot reproduce the tabbing issue. Are you saying this happens 100% of the time for you? Or just some of the time. I need to know a lot more about how you achieve it before I can reproduce it and log it. At this point I have no idea, is it data related, hardware related, or workflow related? I need a starting point in order to figure out how to reproduce it.


The golden rule of fixing bugs: If it can be reproduced it can be debugged.


The issue with fillet edges, as I stated, is not caused by autocomplete, but is aggravated by it. I've logged a bug and found through thorough testing of it that if you slow down and avoid repeatedly pressing ctrl/command while the mouse is hovering over edges you can avoid it. In other words, I had to mimic your actions in the video just to get it to reproduce. We will fix this soon, but I have no way to say when. Any fix for it would require extensive testing to ensure we don't break anything. So posting a release date for a fix is not possible.


For #2, the issue has been raised. This is not a minor change. So the same factors apply: when we can get resources for it, when a fix can be integrated, tested, etc. is not known at this time.


Thanks for asking, sorry I don't have better answers for you.





Phil Eichmiller
Software Engineer
Quality Assurance
Autodesk, Inc.



@Phil.E Thanks for the update. Here is another video I just recorded to post another issue I found related to line/spline sketching, but I also included in the beginning another example for you about the tab problem. I'm honestly not sure how to be more literal or explicit about the description than what I already posted initially. Hopefully if you pay close attention to the keys that show on the screencast, it will help you understand. ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ Thanks again.



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I still cannot reproduce it consistently. I got it to happen once, out of hundreds of attempts and it was not on purpose. I was working on a design and it happened, and immediately did not reproduce.


How often does this reproduce for you? 100% of the time? What about after restarting your computer?


Just so you believe me, here is a screencast with no extra tabbing.





Phil Eichmiller
Software Engineer
Quality Assurance
Autodesk, Inc.



@Phil.E It happens 100% of the time. I have installed the most recent update of Fusion 360 (2.0.2865) and have restarted my computer. Are you also running macOS 10.12.3?



It also repro's 100% of the time for me.  It doesn't matter if it's a user parameter or just changing the value.







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I must apologize and I'm sorry to have wasted your time.


Regarding the tabbing problem:

This is actually known, I had not already found the defect in our system when I commented here. Had I done that I would have brought you this news earlier: This is fixed in development and is likely to make it into the April 12 update, barring any unforeseen problems. We are still testing it.


Thanks for taking the time to explain it, sorry for my confusion in the process. I'm glad I found the correct information and just wish I had brought it to you sooner.

(Internal reference FUS-30836)



Phil Eichmiller
Software Engineer
Quality Assurance
Autodesk, Inc.



Hi @Phil.E. Thanks for the updated info. Question: Does the fix that you mentioned also address non--tab-key-related focus issues with dimension input or is it exclusive to the tab key?


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Accepted solution


At this time only the tabbing issue is fixed and ready for an update.



Phil Eichmiller
Software Engineer
Quality Assurance
Autodesk, Inc.

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Good news - this is being fixed in our April 12 update! 

Keqing Song
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Portland, Oregon, USA

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