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AutoDesk Fusion 360 - Unable To Connect to Internet


AutoDesk Fusion 360 - Unable To Connect to Internet

Not applicable

Good Afternoon Support,


Could I please request some assistance on AutoDesk Fusion 360?


The application has been installed using the offline installer, the application fails to launch with the error message below.


Unable to connect to internet.


Please check your network connection. You need to sign into your Autodesk account to use fusion 360.


The site installing the software has a proxy server and I have attempted the below.


  • I have whitelisted all Autodesk, Amazon etc websites
  • I have manually added the proxy settings
  • I have setup and tested with the customised XML File.

The log file for the failed install has been attached.





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Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support

Hi @Anonymous,


Welcome to the Fusion 360 Community!


Quick side question - is there a particular reason you are using the offline installer (i.e. using a computer lab/work computer). I do note that the offline installer will not manually update.


From the logs I can see the following error message:


20170316T130651 E 1489669611697 1489669611821 GET 56 Received HTTP code 407 from proxy after CONNECT


Based on that error message, I believe that you are not authenticated to go through the proxy. More information about that error code here. Can you expand a bit about where you manually added the proxy settings as well as the XML file you customized. 



James Youmatz
Product Insights Specialist for Fusion 360, Simulation, Generative Design
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