Why does this crash fusion??
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Hi All,
I have made a script that easily exports all selected body's as a .step file. Now i am making that script into a add-in with a nice button in a custom panel along with some other tools that i created. The export tool copy's the body's one by one to a new document, exports it, and closes the new document and goes to the next body til all the selected body's are exported. The script always worked excellent but now fusion crashes one the 'newDoc.colse(False)' line. If i comment that line out the script exports all selected body's as it should but i am left with several unsaved new open documents.
Does anybody have a clue on what might be the problem? I am kinda stuck here. if i place the close line after the 'for loop' it closes the last document without crashing but when it is part of the 'for loop' it causes problems.
This is the problem part of my code:
class sExportCommandExecuteHandler(adsk.core.CommandEventHandler): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def notify(self, args): try: eventArgs = adsk.core.CommandEventArgs.cast(args) # Code to react to the event. app = adsk.core.Application.get() ui = app.userInterface des = adsk.fusion.Design.cast(app.activeProduct) # Code to react to the event. selInput1 = adsk.core.SelectionCommandInput.cast(eventArgs.command.commandInputs.itemById('selectionInput1')) ui.messageBox('There are ' + str(selInput1.selectionCount) + ' items selected.') folderDlg = ui.createFolderDialog() folderDlg.title = 'Selecteer een map om de .step bestanden neer te zetten.' if folderDlg.showDialog() == adsk.core.DialogResults.DialogOK: path = folderDlg.folder ui.messageBox('Je .step bestanden worden hier neergezet: \n\n' + path + '\n\nAls een bestand al bestaat word deze overschreven!') # Get the total number of bodies to use in the progress bar. bodyTotal = selInput1.selectionCount comp = adsk.fusion.Component.cast(None) progDialog = ui.createProgressDialog() progDialog.isBackgroundTranslucent = False progDialog.isCancelButtonShown = True progDialog.show('Body Export', 'Exporting body %v of %m...', 0, bodyTotal, 0) bodyCount = 0 #while bodyCount < bodyTotal: for X in range(bodyTotal): bodyy = selInput1.selection(bodyCount) bodyEntity = bodyy.entity progDialog.progressValue = bodyCount+1 if progDialog.wasCancelled: ui.messageBox('Het exporteren is ge-canceled!') break #ui.messageBox('exporting body' + str(bodyCount + 1)) # Create a new direct modeling design. newDoc = app.documents.add(adsk.core.DocumentTypes.FusionDesignDocumentType, True) des = adsk.fusion.Design.cast(newDoc.products.itemByProductType('DesignProductType')) des.designType = adsk.fusion.DesignTypes.DirectDesignType # Copy the body in the new design. newRoot = des.rootComponent bodyEntity.copyToComponent(newRoot) comp = bodyEntity.parentComponent Filename = comp.name + ' - ' + bodyEntity.name design = adsk.fusion.Design.cast(app.activeProduct) option = design.exportManager.createSTEPExportOptions(path + '/' + Filename + '.step', design.rootComponent) design.exportManager.execute(option) newDoc.close(False) #sluit zonder save ################this line causes problems bodyCount += 1 ui.messageBox('Het exporteren is gelukt!') progDialog.hide() except: if ui: ui.messageBox(_('Panel command created failed: {}').format(traceback.format_exc()))
This is the entire code:
#Author- Thomas Vijf #Description- Collctie handige tools die het leven leuker maken. import adsk.core, adsk.fusion, adsk.cam, traceback # Global list to keep all event handlers in scope. # This is only needed with Python. handlers = [] def run(context): ui = None try: app = adsk.core.Application.get() ui = app.userInterface # Get the CommandDefinitions collection. cmdDefs = ui.commandDefinitions # Get all workspaces: allWorkspaces = ui.workspaces # Get the Design workspace: designWorkspace = allWorkspaces.itemById('FusionSolidEnvironment') if (designWorkspace): # Get all the tabs for the Design workspace: allDesignTabs = designWorkspace.toolbarTabs if (allDesignTabs.count > 0): # get the solid tab solidTab = allDesignTabs.itemById('SolidTab') if(solidTab): allNewDesignTabPanels = solidTab.toolbarPanels # Has the panel been added already? # You'll get an error if you try to add this more than once to the tab. brandNewDesignPanel = None brandNewDesignPanel = allNewDesignTabPanels.itemById('buitelaarToolsPanel') if brandNewDesignPanel is None: # We have not added the panel already. Go ahead and add it. brandNewDesignPanel = allNewDesignTabPanels.add('buitelaarToolsPanel', 'Buitelaar Tools') if brandNewDesignPanel: # We want this panel to be visible: brandNewDesignPanel.isVisible = True # Access the controls that belong to the panel: newPanelControls = brandNewDesignPanel.controls # voeg knop toe in pannel ##radius edit # Create a button command definition. buttonSample = cmdDefs.addButtonDefinition('MyButtonDefIdPython', 'Radius Edit', 'Eenvoudig de binnen of buiten radius aanpassen.', './/Resources/radius') # Connect to the command created event. sampleCommandCreated = radiusCommandCreatedEventHandler() buttonSample.commandCreated.add(sampleCommandCreated) handlers.append(sampleCommandCreated) # Get the ADD-INS panel in the model workspace. #addInsPanel = ui.allToolbarPanels.itemById('SolidModifyPanel') addInsPanel = ui.allToolbarPanels.itemById('buitelaarToolsPanel') # Add the button to the bottom of the panel. buttonControl = addInsPanel.controls.addCommand(buttonSample) #buttonControl.isPromotedByDefault = True buttonControl.isPromoted = True ##quick export buttonSample = cmdDefs.addButtonDefinition('MyButtonDefIdPython2', 'Quick export', 'Snel exporteren van Step bestanden. Bestanden die al bestaan worden overschreven!', './/Resources/quickexport') # Connect to the command created event. sampleCommandCreated = qExportCommandCreatedEventHandler() buttonSample.commandCreated.add(sampleCommandCreated) handlers.append(sampleCommandCreated) # Get the ADD-INS panel in the model workspace. addInsPanel = ui.allToolbarPanels.itemById('buitelaarToolsPanel') # Add the button to the bottom of the panel. buttonControl = addInsPanel.controls.addCommand(buttonSample) #buttonControl.isPromotedByDefault = True buttonControl.isPromoted = True ##selected export buttonSample = cmdDefs.addButtonDefinition('MyButtonDefIdPython3', 'Export selected', 'Exporteer alle geselecteerde bodys als losse step files.', './/Resources/exportselected') # Connect to the command created event. sampleCommandCreated = sExportCommandCreatedEventHandler() buttonSample.commandCreated.add(sampleCommandCreated) handlers.append(sampleCommandCreated) # Get the ADD-INS panel in the model workspace. addInsPanel = ui.allToolbarPanels.itemById('buitelaarToolsPanel') # Add the button to the bottom of the panel. buttonControl = addInsPanel.controls.addCommand(buttonSample) #buttonControl.isPromotedByDefault = True buttonControl.isPromoted = True except: if ui: ui.messageBox('Failed:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc())) # Event handler for the commandCreated event. class radiusCommandCreatedEventHandler(adsk.core.CommandCreatedEventHandler): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def notify(self, args): eventArgs = adsk.core.CommandCreatedEventArgs.cast(args) cmd = eventArgs.command # Connect to the execute event. onExecute = radiusCommandExecuteHandler() cmd.execute.add(onExecute) handlers.append(onExecute) class qExportCommandCreatedEventHandler(adsk.core.CommandCreatedEventHandler): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def notify(self, args): eventArgs = adsk.core.CommandCreatedEventArgs.cast(args) cmd = eventArgs.command # Connect to the execute event. onExecute = qExportCommandExecuteHandler() cmd.execute.add(onExecute) handlers.append(onExecute) # Event handler that reacts to when the command is destroyed. This terminates the script. class MyCommandDestroyHandler(adsk.core.CommandEventHandler): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def notify(self, args): try: # When the command is done, terminate the script # This will release all globals which will remove all event handlers adsk.terminate() except: _ui.messageBox('Failed:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc())) class sExportCommandCreatedEventHandler(adsk.core.CommandCreatedEventHandler): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def notify(self, args): try: eventArgs = adsk.core.CommandCreatedEventArgs.cast(args) # Get the command cmd = eventArgs.command # Connect to the command destroyed event. #onDestroy = MyCommandDestroyHandler() #cmd.destroy.add(onDestroy) #handlers.append(onDestroy) # Get the CommandInputs collection to create new command inputs. inputs = cmd.commandInputs # Create a selection input. selInput1 = inputs.addSelectionInput('selectionInput1', 'Select inside radius', 'Select inside radius') selInput1.addSelectionFilter('SolidBodies') selInput1.setSelectionLimits(1) # Connect to the execute event. onExecute = sExportCommandExecuteHandler() cmd.execute.add(onExecute) handlers.append(onExecute) #ui.messageBox(_('Panel command created successfully')) except: if ui: ui.messageBox(_('Panel command created failed: {}').format(traceback.format_exc())) # Event handler for the execute event. class radiusCommandExecuteHandler(adsk.core.CommandEventHandler): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def notify(self, args): eventArgs = adsk.core.CommandEventArgs.cast(args) # Code to react to the event. app = adsk.core.Application.get() ui = app.userInterface # Get the root component of the active design product = app.activeProduct design = adsk.fusion.Design.cast(product) rootComp = design.rootComponent mainBodyFace = adsk.fusion.BRepFace.cast(ui.selectEntity('Selecteer de radius.', 'Faces').entity) mainBody = mainBodyFace.body faceCount = 0 smallRadius = 0 selected = ui.activeSelections selected.clear() tangentialFaces = mainBodyFace.tangentiallyConnectedFaces for face in tangentialFaces: #ui.messageBox("test") if face.geometry.objectType == adsk.core.Cylinder.classType(): #ui.messageBox("got radius") selected.add(face) alignCommand = ui.commandDefinitions.itemById('FusionPressPullCommand') alignCommand.execute() class qExportCommandExecuteHandler(adsk.core.CommandEventHandler): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def notify(self, args): eventArgs = adsk.core.CommandEventArgs.cast(args) # Code to react to the event. app = adsk.core.Application.get() ui = app.userInterface des = adsk.fusion.Design.cast(app.activeProduct) file = app.activeDocument.dataFile folder = file.parentFolder folderDlg = ui.createFolderDialog() folderDlg.title = 'Selecteer een map om de .step bestanden neer te zetten.' if folderDlg.showDialog() == adsk.core.DialogResults.DialogOK: path = folderDlg.folder # dialogResult = ui.messageBox('Je .step bestanden worden hier neergezet: \n\n' + path + '\n\nAls een bestand al bestaat word deze overschreven!','info tekst', 1) # if dialogResult == adsk.core.DialogResults.DialogCancel: # return # Get the total number of bodies to use in the progress bar. Filename = des.rootComponent.name progDialog = ui.createProgressDialog() progDialog.isBackgroundTranslucent = False progDialog.isCancelButtonShown = True progDialog.show('STEP voor Buislaser', 'Exporting design %m...', 0, 1, 0) option = des.exportManager.createSTEPExportOptions(path + '/' + Filename + '.step', des.rootComponent) des.exportManager.execute(option) app.activeDocument.save('saved_by_exportscript') #app.activeDocument.close(False) des = adsk.fusion.Design.cast(app.activeProduct) progDialog.hide() class sExportCommandExecuteHandler(adsk.core.CommandEventHandler): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def notify(self, args): try: eventArgs = adsk.core.CommandEventArgs.cast(args) # Code to react to the event. app = adsk.core.Application.get() ui = app.userInterface des = adsk.fusion.Design.cast(app.activeProduct) # Code to react to the event. selInput1 = adsk.core.SelectionCommandInput.cast(eventArgs.command.commandInputs.itemById('selectionInput1')) ui.messageBox('There are ' + str(selInput1.selectionCount) + ' items selected.') folderDlg = ui.createFolderDialog() folderDlg.title = 'Selecteer een map om de .step bestanden neer te zetten.' if folderDlg.showDialog() == adsk.core.DialogResults.DialogOK: path = folderDlg.folder ui.messageBox('Je .step bestanden worden hier neergezet: \n\n' + path + '\n\nAls een bestand al bestaat word deze overschreven!') # Get the total number of bodies to use in the progress bar. bodyTotal = selInput1.selectionCount comp = adsk.fusion.Component.cast(None) progDialog = ui.createProgressDialog() progDialog.isBackgroundTranslucent = False progDialog.isCancelButtonShown = True progDialog.show('Body Export', 'Exporting body %v of %m...', 0, bodyTotal, 0) bodyCount = 0 #while bodyCount < bodyTotal: for X in range(bodyTotal): bodyy = selInput1.selection(bodyCount) bodyEntity = bodyy.entity progDialog.progressValue = bodyCount+1 if progDialog.wasCancelled: ui.messageBox('Het exporteren is ge-canceled!') break #ui.messageBox('exporting body' + str(bodyCount + 1)) # Create a new direct modeling design. newDoc = app.documents.add(adsk.core.DocumentTypes.FusionDesignDocumentType, True) des = adsk.fusion.Design.cast(newDoc.products.itemByProductType('DesignProductType')) des.designType = adsk.fusion.DesignTypes.DirectDesignType # Copy the body in the new design. newRoot = des.rootComponent bodyEntity.copyToComponent(newRoot) comp = bodyEntity.parentComponent Filename = comp.name + ' - ' + bodyEntity.name design = adsk.fusion.Design.cast(app.activeProduct) option = design.exportManager.createSTEPExportOptions(path + '/' + Filename + '.step', design.rootComponent) design.exportManager.execute(option) newDoc.close(False) #sluit zonder save bodyCount += 1 ui.messageBox('Het exporteren is gelukt!') progDialog.hide() except: if ui: ui.messageBox(_('Panel command created failed: {}').format(traceback.format_exc())) def stop(context): try: app = adsk.core.Application.get() ui = app.userInterface # Clean up the UI. cmdDef = ui.commandDefinitions.itemById('MyButtonDefIdPython') cmdDef2 = ui.commandDefinitions.itemById('MyButtonDefIdPython2') cmdDef3 = ui.commandDefinitions.itemById('MyButtonDefIdPython3') if cmdDef: cmdDef.deleteMe() # delete command if cmdDef2: cmdDef2.deleteMe() # delete command if cmdDef3: cmdDef3.deleteMe() # delete command addinsPanel = ui.allToolbarPanels.itemById('buitelaarToolsPanel') cntrl = addinsPanel.controls.itemById('MyButtonDefIdPython') cntrl2 = addinsPanel.controls.itemById('MyButtonDefIdPython2') cntrl3 = addinsPanel.controls.itemById('MyButtonDefIdPython3') if cntrl: cntrl.deleteMe() # delete de command knop in pannel if cntrl2: cntrl2.deleteMe() # delete de command knop in pannel if cntrl3: cntrl3.deleteMe() # delete de command knop in pannel addinsPanel.deleteMe() # delete het pannel except: if ui: ui.messageBox('Failed:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))
I hope someone can push me in the right direction.
Thomas Vijf