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Selection Stack


Selection Stack

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Hi guys. I digged a little through Fusion 360 API and have a couple of questions ?
The main one is: "why does Fusion 360 Selection Stack is so small ?"
In 2020 almost every big modelling application have such simple commands like 'select neighbor faces', 'grow\shrink selection', 'select face(s) perimeter edges', and so on.
In general, algorithms of these commands is well known and similar among all applications. As i said, i digged through Fusion360 API a little and find edge Property in faces class,
find face Property in BoxFeature class, find edges in BRepFace class and so on. It seems that Fusion 360 have a base for any selection commands, just doesn't have a realisation yet.
So the next questions is: "will Fusion 360 get improvements in selection stack in the next 6 month ?".

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4 Replies
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id = selectAdjacent
name = 'Select Adjacent Faces'


Its interesting. This command even have its own icon, it works with solids but it doesn't included in UI (so no shortcuts).

Unfortunately it works as selection filter not a converter.


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I'm not sure what you're talking about when you refer to "Selection Stack".  My guess is that you're used to CAD applications that require you to select all of the inputs and then run a command.  Fusion, and other applications, don't have that behavior.  Instead you run the command and then it guides you through selecting the required input.  There are some commands that will look to see if something is already selected and start with that geometry, like the fillet command, but it's not required and isn't the normal workflow.  But maybe you're referring to something else.  In either case, this is the first time I've ever seen anyone ask about it.

Brian Ekins
Inventor and Fusion 360 API Expert

Not applicable

Thank you Brian.

I assume "selection stack" is a compilation of all selection commands and its variations that available for user to use in application.
I don't think that input logic is a key in this problem. You may perform selection(input) before you run a command or you may perform it after. It doesn't matter.

You still have only few select command that you would use to perform selection(input).

I would not bother with that if this operations would not exist almost in every application (Moi3D, XSI, Maya, 3dMax, Blender etc).
I know a couple of guys that hate to click each edge of each face when they can just press one key an select them all at once.
I also know that there are a lot of situation when it's easier to select one face and grow selection from it and not select each face by hand.
Or select one edge loop and convert selection to connected faces. And this select operations would cost you almost nothing. And you already have almost everything you need in API.
So why not ?!



I think those kinds of tools can be useful when working with a mesh or Sub-D type of model but I'm not sure they're very useful with a B-Rep style of model.  Fusion does support all three types of models though.  Here's a link to a video showing some of those selection tools used on a mesh.


I think there are similar tools available when working with a T-Spline but I haven't been able to find the documentation for them.  For example, if you double-click on an edge it will select all the edges in the loop.  If you select one face and then double-click on an adjacent face it will select all the face in a loop.  I thought I had some some other techniques to grow a selection to but maybe I'm getting it mixed up with the mesh functionality.

Brian Ekins
Inventor and Fusion 360 API Expert