Hello Boopathi,
I wrote a script that can export a model as a .STL from the Fixture bodies in a setup in Manufacture workspace. The script gives you the ability to translate the .STL in X, Y, Z and it will allow you name the file and choose your location for saving.

I wanted to do this with my custom .cps file that i use to export data to an external verification software. So i was hoping to have it be an option the user can choose to do by a post property (export fixture in below screenshot using X, Y, Z offset) instead of having to run a script through the Add-ins.
The script works well but i wasn't able to call it up thru the .cps while Post Processing but I thought it would be great to know if it's possible to call a script thru a .cps file while post processing because you could do a lot of things with that!