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Importing a spreadsheet into a drawing


Importing a spreadsheet into a drawing

Not applicable

Hi There,

I am very new to Fusion 360.

I have a client that would like to have some simplified drawings made of their product with labelled dimension lines A, B, C, etc for example. 

I want to have a chart like a speadsheet that can have values populated for the different types of products so the same drawings can be used over and over with different values in the tables.

My client does not have any Cad platform. so I was wondering If I could save the drawing as a PDF or something else and somehow embed a spread sheet into the PDF?

   Basically I want them to be able to view the drawing without having to have Fusion 360, but not be able to mod the drawing and then have a table (spread sheet ideally) that they can modify to suit their needs.

Thanks for your help


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Hi daxlbromhead,

Welcome to Fusion 360.  I've created/used this type of tabulated drawing in the past - they can be great time savers.  Unfortunately, the short answer to your question is this is not yet possible in Fusion 360 Drawings.  We are working on Table creation now, and while this feature won't make the very next update, it is being targeted for early this spring.


Currently in lieu of a table you'd have to use Text.  The default dimension text can be overwritten by double-clicking it and replacing with A, B, C, etc. then you could create a separate Text object with multiple columns/rows for the different variables.  We do have an Output PDF option in Drawings so you could send them just that without them having to install anything but a pdf reader.

