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I created this add-in to select or delete all projected entities (points or curves) in a sketch


I created this add-in to select or delete all projected entities (points or curves) in a sketch


A while ago I saw some people who were asking how they could select or delete all the projected lines in a sketch without affecting the non-projected lines. Fusion doesn't have this natively so I decided to write this little handy add-in to add this functionality.


To use, just download Delete and put it in your add-ins folder (to find this, go into Fusion 360, go to UTILITIES -> UTILITY ->Scripts and Add-ins..., then click on the Add-ins tab, right click on one of them and click create. In the create menu, copy the Folder Location text box contents and paste into a Windows Explorer address bar, then just go up one folder. Now just unzip the folder to a normal Delete Projected folder.

Now when you go to the Scripts and Add-ins and go to the Add-ins tab, you should see Delete Projected listed. Highlight it and click Run, and check Run on Startup if you want it to always run when you open Fusion.

That's it! Now when you're in a sketch, you should see a new icon above "CREATE" which is "Pr" with the no symbol over it. The Pr stands for Projected. This is the icon for the Delete Projected command.


When you click it, it will ask if you want to select projected points, curves (includes straight lines), or both, and whether you want to just select them all, or delete them. Then just click OK and the projected entities you were looking for are now all selected or deleted.

I can't insert a screencast because both of the methods of inserting screencasts are still broken, so here is a link to the screencast showing how it works. I hope this is helpful to others!

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2 Replies
Replies (2)


Hi @therealsamchaney .


Thanks for the good add-in.


Regarding the video, I was told that only Expert Elite members can insert videos into the forum.

Also, there is an announcement that Screencast will be discontinued on January 31, 2023. 

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どうもありがとう, @kandennti !

Thank you! Maybe it's for the best that they are discontinuing the screencast system. It was a good concept I think but there were definitely some part of the execution that could have been improved.

残念ながらエキスパートエリートメンバはではありませんよ 😞

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