I wrote a script that produces the following 4 views as .pngs given an input .step file:
I am having trouble programmatically changing the material properties of this object to produce the render I want. (RGB Color, Roughness). I am also having trouble programmatically turning off the shadow on the ground in the isometric view, and the shadows that exist in all pictures near bends and edges.
Here's my full script. I would be very thankful if anyone could provide some guidance on my issue. Thank you very much.
import adsk.core, adsk.fusion, adsk.cam, os, traceback
def run(context):
ui = None
app = adsk.core.Application.get()
ui = app.userInterface
design = app.activeProduct
importManager = app.importManager
# Define file path and output directory
file_path = r'pathto.step'
output_folder = r'pathtoutputfolder'
# Import the STEP file
stepOptions = importManager.createSTEPImportOptions(file_path)
rootComp = design.rootComponent
importManager.importToTarget(stepOptions, rootComp)
# Load a local material library and get an appearance
materialLibs = app.materialLibraries
matLib = materialLibs.load(r'pathto\APISampleMaterialLibrary2.adsklib')
appear = matLib.appearances.itemByName("Steel - Satin") # Adjust appearance name as necessary
# Copy the appearance into the design
newAppear = design.appearances.addByCopy(appear, f'{appear.name}_Copied')
# Apply the appearance to all bodies
allBodies = rootComp.bRepBodies
for body in allBodies:
body.appearance = newAppear
# Setup camera
camera = app.activeViewport.camera
camera.cameraType = adsk.core.CameraTypes.OrthographicCameraType
# Define views
views = {
'Front': adsk.core.ViewOrientations.FrontViewOrientation,
'Top': adsk.core.ViewOrientations.TopViewOrientation,
'Right': adsk.core.ViewOrientations.RightViewOrientation,
'Iso': adsk.core.ViewOrientations.IsoTopRightViewOrientation
# Adjust scene settings for no specular reflections and no shadows
renderManager = design.renderManager
sceneSettings = renderManager.sceneSettings
sceneSettings.backgroundSolidColor = adsk.core.Color.create(255, 255, 255, 0) # White background
sceneSettings.ambientLightIntensity = 0.8
sceneSettings.reflectionsEnabled = False
sceneSettings.shadowsEnabled = False
# Process each view
for view_name, orientation in views.items():
camera.viewOrientation = orientation
app.activeViewport.camera = camera
sceneSettings.shadowsEnabled = False
# Save images
image_path = os.path.join(output_folder, f"{view_name}_render.png")
app.activeViewport.saveAsImageFile(image_path, 1920, 1080)
except Exception as e:
if ui:
Hi @addoagrucu -San.
That sounds like an interesting attempt.
The viewOrientation property has been unresponsive for a long time and still seems to be unfixed.
Fixing it to use a vector to change the camera orientation instead seems to give the desired result.
# Define views
views = {
'Front': {
"up": (0,0,1),
"front": (0,1,0)
'Top': {
"up": (0,1,0),
"front": (0,0,-1)
'Right': {
"up": (0,0,1),
"front": (-1,0,0)
'Iso': {
"up": (0, 4.440892098500626e-16,1),
"front": (-0.577350269189626, 0.5773502691896257, -0.5773502691896257)
# Adjust scene settings for no specular reflections and no shadows
renderManager = design.renderManager
sceneSettings = renderManager.sceneSettings
sceneSettings.backgroundSolidColor = adsk.core.Color.create(255, 255, 255, 0) # White background
sceneSettings.ambientLightIntensity = 0.8
sceneSettings.reflectionsEnabled = False
sceneSettings.shadowsEnabled = False
# Process each view
for view_name, orientationVec in views.items():
camera.upVector = adsk.core.Vector3D.create(
frontVec: adsk.core.Vector3D = adsk.core.Vector3D.create(
pnt: adsk.core.Point3D = camera.eye.copy()
camera.target = pnt
app.activeViewport.camera = camera
# Save images
image_path = os.path.join(output_folder, f"{view_name}_render.png")
app.activeViewport.saveAsImageFile(image_path, 1920, 1080)
Dear @kandennti -San
Thank you for your response. I did have some problems with the viewOrientation route, although the version of the code I've posted does seem to work on it's own. Although this is the case, I will keep your solution in mind if I encounter further difficulties with the viewOrientation route. I did try your code, and I get the equivalent of my code's output.
Are you perhaps familiar with setting colors/materials through the API? I identify brep bodies and loop through them, assigning a material to them just like in this example:
This seems to have no effect. So does turning off shadows.
If you know about this domain, I would very much be interested to know what you know.
PS. I am attaching the .step file I'm using:
Thank you
Maybe this will help with assigning materials.
The RenderManager you use to change the settings is only used when ray tracing in the Render workspace. The settings in the picture below are not directly exposed by the API.
However, this is a workaround where you can use the API to drive the user interface and modify these settings. For example to turn off "Ground Shadow" you can use the following:
# Get the command that defines the view effects.
cmd = ui.commandDefinitions.itemById('ViewEffectCommand')
# Get the control definition associated with the command.
viewEffectsCntrlDef = cmd.controlDefinition
# The ControlDefinition, in this case, is a ListControlDefinition, and each
# item in the list is a view effect setting. Each item has a name and their
# order will be the same as in the UI, so it should be consistent. This gets
# the third item (0 is the first), which controls if there is a ground
# shadow or not.
groundShadowListItem = cntrlDef.listItems[2]
# Turn off ground shadows.
groundShadowListItem.isSelected = False
You can modify the other settings in the same way.
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