Fusion API and Scripts
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Message 1 of 3
334 Views, 2 Replies


Hello, I'm very new to coding and the API.  I've started making a script and have everything working except for one thing.  I want to box to open that the user enters a value(number) that is saved as a variable for use later in the script. 

I believe that I can do this with a DistanceValueCommandInput.  I've tried to follow the object model to create the code, but I am missing something (or perhaps a lot). So far I have:

#input offset
        cmdInput = adsk.core.CommandInput.classType()
        offValue = cmdInput.addDistanceValueCommandInput('outer profile''roughing cutter'0.635)
When I run the script the error code I receive is:
offValue = cmdInput.addDistanceValueCommandInput('outer profile', 'roughing cutter', 0.635)
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute
Can someone please help steer me in the right direction to solve this bit of code?
Thank you.
Message 2 of 3
in reply to: Anonymous

You've put a string into cmdInput when you needed an object.


It is worth spending 10 mins on this to help get set up for API programming, so,... DistanceValueCommandInput is one of the controls demonstrated in this excellent example:-

Visit that, and make sure you follow the instructions about extracting the resource folder.


There was a bug in their script - if it doesn't work, use my fixed version below.


Now - the best way to find and fix these things yourself, is to set breakpoints in your debugger.  Use the Debug option to open your code:

Screen Shot 2020-05-12 at 5.05.51 pm.png


Then click this: 

Screen Shot 2020-05-12 at 5.06.29 pm.png


Then the green :

Screen Shot 2020-05-12 at 5.06.41 pm.png


Then put red dots next to where you want to pause

Screen Shot 2020-05-12 at 5.07.42 pm.png


Then run it (blue triangle)

Screen Shot 2020-05-12 at 5.07.04 pm.png

It will stop when it gets to where you want:

Screen Shot 2020-05-12 at 5.08.25 pm.png


And now you can interactively look at all the variables:

Screen Shot 2020-05-12 at 5.09.10 pm.png

and expand and explore the internal Fusion360 objects etc.


And best of all - you can run commands right there and test if they work OK.

Screen Shot 2020-05-12 at 5.09.31 pm.png


I've found that to be a *Very* fast way of working out the path I need for most UI things.


Good luck!


#Author-Autodesk Inc.
#Description-Demo command input examples
import adsk.core, adsk.fusion, traceback, os

_app = None
_ui  = None
_rowNumber = 0

# Global set of event handlers to keep them referenced for the duration of the command
_handlers = []

# Adds a new row to the table.
def addRowToTable(tableInput):
    global _rowNumber

    # Get the CommandInputs object associated with the parent command.
    cmdInputs = adsk.core.CommandInputs.cast(tableInput.commandInputs)
    # Create three new command inputs.
    valueInput = cmdInputs.addValueInput('TableInput_value{}'.format(_rowNumber), 'Value', 'cm', adsk.core.ValueInput.createByReal(_rowNumber))
    stringInput =  cmdInputs.addStringValueInput('TableInput_string{}'.format(_rowNumber), 'String', str(_rowNumber))
    spinnerInput = cmdInputs.addIntegerSpinnerCommandInput('spinnerInt{}'.format(_rowNumber), 'Integer Spinner', 0 , 100 , 2, int(_rowNumber))
    # Add the inputs to the table.
    row = tableInput.rowCount
    tableInput.addCommandInput(valueInput, row, 0)
    tableInput.addCommandInput(stringInput, row, 1)
    tableInput.addCommandInput(spinnerInput, row, 2)
    # Increment a counter used to make each row unique.
    _rowNumber = _rowNumber + 1

# Event handler that reacts to any changes the user makes to any of the command inputs.
class MyCommandInputChangedHandler(adsk.core.InputChangedEventHandler):
    def __init__(self):
    def notify(self, args):
            eventArgs = adsk.core.InputChangedEventArgs.cast(args)
            inputs = eventArgs.inputs
            cmdInput = eventArgs.input
            tableInput = inputs.itemById('table')
            if == 'tableAdd':
            elif == 'tableDelete':
                if tableInput.selectedRow == -1:
                    _ui.messageBox('Select one row to delete.')

# Event handler that reacts to when the command is destroyed. This terminates the script.            
class MyCommandDestroyHandler(adsk.core.CommandEventHandler):
    def __init__(self):
    def notify(self, args):
            # When the command is done, terminate the script
            # This will release all globals which will remove all event handlers

# Event handler that reacts when the command definitio is executed which
# results in the command being created and this event being fired.
class MyCommandCreatedHandler(adsk.core.CommandCreatedEventHandler):
    def __init__(self):
    def notify(self, args):
            # Get the command that was created.
            cmd = adsk.core.Command.cast(args.command)

            # Connect to the command destroyed event.
            onDestroy = MyCommandDestroyHandler()

            # Connect to the input changed event.           
            onInputChanged = MyCommandInputChangedHandler()

            # Get the CommandInputs collection associated with the command.
            inputs = cmd.commandInputs

            # Create a tab input.
            tabCmdInput1 = inputs.addTabCommandInput('tab_1', 'Tab 1')
            tab1ChildInputs = tabCmdInput1.children

            # Create a read only textbox input.
            tab1ChildInputs.addTextBoxCommandInput('readonly_textBox', 'Text Box 1', 'Absolute   Percent %  This is an example of a read-only text box.', 3, True)

            # Create an editable textbox input.
            tab1ChildInputs.addTextBoxCommandInput('writable_textBox', 'Text Box 2', 'This is an example of an editable text box.', 2, False)
            # Create a message that spans the entire width of the dialog by leaving out the "name" argument.
            resdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/resources/" 
            message = '<div align="center"><img src="'+resdir+'icon.png">A "full width" <i>message</i> <b>using</b> <a href="">html.</a></div>'
            tab1ChildInputs.addTextBoxCommandInput('fullWidth_textBox', '', message, 3, True)            

            # Create a selection input.
            selectionInput = tab1ChildInputs.addSelectionInput('selection', 'Select', 'Basic select command input')

            # Create a string value input.
            strInput = tab1ChildInputs.addStringValueInput('string', 'Text', 'Basic string command input')

            # Create value input.
            tab1ChildInputs.addValueInput('value', 'Value', 'cm', adsk.core.ValueInput.createByReal(0.0))

            # Create bool value input with checkbox style.
            tab1ChildInputs.addBoolValueInput('checkbox', 'Checkbox', True, '', False)

            # Create bool value input with button style that can be clicked.
            tab1ChildInputs.addBoolValueInput('buttonClick', 'Click Button', False, 'resources/button', True)

            # Create bool value input with button style that has a state.
            tab1ChildInputs.addBoolValueInput('buttonState', 'State Button', True, 'resources/button', True)

            # Create float slider input with two sliders.
            tab1ChildInputs.addFloatSliderCommandInput('floatSlider', 'Float Slider', 'cm', 0, 10.0, True)

            # Create float slider input with two sliders and a value list.
            floatValueList = [1.0, 3.0, 4.0, 7.0]
            tab1ChildInputs.addFloatSliderListCommandInput('floatSlider2', 'Float Slider 2', 'cm', floatValueList)

            # Create float slider input with two sliders and visible texts.
            floatSlider3 = tab1ChildInputs.addFloatSliderCommandInput('floatSlider3', 'Float Slider 3', '', 0, 50.0, False)
            floatSlider3.setText('Min', 'Max')

            # Create integer slider input with one slider.
            tab1ChildInputs.addIntegerSliderCommandInput('intSlider', 'Integer Slider', 0, 10);
            valueList = [1, 3, 4, 7, 11]

            # Create integer slider input with two sliders and a value list.
            tab1ChildInputs.addIntegerSliderListCommandInput('intSlider2', 'Integer Slider 2', valueList)

            # Create float spinner input.
            tab1ChildInputs.addFloatSpinnerCommandInput('spinnerFloat', 'Float Spinner', 'cm', 0.2 , 9.0 , 2.2, 1)

            # Create integer spinner input.
            tab1ChildInputs.addIntegerSpinnerCommandInput('spinnerInt', 'Integer Spinner', 2 , 9 , 2, 3)

            # Create dropdown input with checkbox style.
            dropdownInput = tab1ChildInputs.addDropDownCommandInput('dropdown', 'Dropdown 1', adsk.core.DropDownStyles.CheckBoxDropDownStyle)
            dropdownItems = dropdownInput.listItems
            dropdownItems.add('Item 1', False, 'resources/One')
            dropdownItems.add('Item 2', False, 'resources/Two')

            # Create dropdown input with icon style.
            dropdownInput2 = tab1ChildInputs.addDropDownCommandInput('dropdown2', 'Dropdown 2', adsk.core.DropDownStyles.LabeledIconDropDownStyle);
            dropdown2Items = dropdownInput2.listItems
            dropdown2Items.add('Item 1', True, 'resources/One')
            dropdown2Items.add('Item 2', False, 'resources/Two')

            # Create dropdown input with radio style.
            dropdownInput3 = tab1ChildInputs.addDropDownCommandInput('dropdown3', 'Dropdown 3', adsk.core.DropDownStyles.LabeledIconDropDownStyle);
            dropdown3Items = dropdownInput3.listItems
            dropdown3Items.add('Item 1', True, '')
            dropdown3Items.add('Item 2', False, '')

            # Create dropdown input with test list style.
            dropdownInput4 = tab1ChildInputs.addDropDownCommandInput('dropdown4', 'Dropdown 4', adsk.core.DropDownStyles.TextListDropDownStyle);
            dropdown4Items = dropdownInput4.listItems
            dropdown4Items.add('Item 1', True, '')
            dropdown4Items.add('Item 2', False, '')

            # Create single selectable button row input.
            buttonRowInput = tab1ChildInputs.addButtonRowCommandInput('buttonRow', 'Single SelBut', False)
            buttonRowInput.listItems.add('Item 1', False, 'resources/One')
            buttonRowInput.listItems.add('Item 2', False, 'resources/Two')

            # Create multi selectable button row input.
            buttonRowInput2 = tab1ChildInputs.addButtonRowCommandInput('buttonRow2', 'multi-sel But', True)
            buttonRowInput2.listItems.add('Item 1', False, 'resources/One')
            buttonRowInput2.listItems.add('Item 2', False, 'resources/Two')

            # Create tab input 2
            tabCmdInput2 = inputs.addTabCommandInput('tab_2', 'Tab 2')
            tab2ChildInputs = tabCmdInput2.children

            # Create group input.
            groupCmdInput = tab2ChildInputs.addGroupCommandInput('group', 'Group')
            groupCmdInput.isExpanded = True
            groupCmdInput.isEnabledCheckBoxDisplayed = True
            groupChildInputs = groupCmdInput.children
            # Create radio button group input.
            radioButtonGroup = groupChildInputs.addRadioButtonGroupCommandInput('radioButtonGroup', 'Radio button group')
            radioButtonItems = radioButtonGroup.listItems
            radioButtonItems.add("Item 1", False)
            radioButtonItems.add("Item 2", False)
            radioButtonItems.add("Item 3", False)
            # Create image input.
            groupChildInputs.addImageCommandInput('image', 'Image', "resources/image.png")
            # Create direction input 1.
            directionCmdInput = tab2ChildInputs.addDirectionCommandInput('direction', 'Direction1')
            directionCmdInput.setManipulator(adsk.core.Point3D.create(0, 0, 0), adsk.core.Vector3D.create(1, 0, 0))
            # Create direction input 2.
            directionCmdInput2 = tab2ChildInputs.addDirectionCommandInput('direction2', 'Direction 2', 'resources/One')
            directionCmdInput2.setManipulator(adsk.core.Point3D.create(0, 0, 0), adsk.core.Vector3D.create(0, 1, 0)) 
            directionCmdInput2.isDirectionFlipped = True
            # Create distance value input 1.
            distanceValueInput = tab2ChildInputs.addDistanceValueCommandInput('distanceValue', 'DistanceValue', adsk.core.ValueInput.createByReal(2))
            distanceValueInput.setManipulator(adsk.core.Point3D.create(0, 0, 0), adsk.core.Vector3D.create(1, 0, 0))
            distanceValueInput.minimumValue = 0
            distanceValueInput.isMinimumValueInclusive = True
            distanceValueInput.maximumValue = 10
            distanceValueInput.isMaximumValueInclusive = True
            # Create distance value input 2.
            distanceValueInput2 = tab2ChildInputs.addDistanceValueCommandInput('distanceValue2', 'DistanceValue 2', adsk.core.ValueInput.createByReal(1))
            distanceValueInput2.setManipulator(adsk.core.Point3D.create(0, 0, 0), adsk.core.Vector3D.create(0, 1, 0))
            distanceValueInput2.expression = '1 in'
            distanceValueInput2.hasMinimumValue = False
            distanceValueInput2.hasMaximumValue = False
            # Create table input
            tableInput = tab2ChildInputs.addTableCommandInput('table', 'Table', 3, '1:1:1')

            # Add inputs into the table.            
            addButtonInput = tab2ChildInputs.addBoolValueInput('tableAdd', 'Add', False, '', True)
            deleteButtonInput = tab2ChildInputs.addBoolValueInput('tableDelete', 'Delete', False, '', True)
            # Create angle value input.
            angleValueInput = tab2ChildInputs.addAngleValueCommandInput('angleValue', 'AngleValue', adsk.core.ValueInput.createByString('30 degree'))
            angleValueInput.setManipulator(adsk.core.Point3D.create(0, 0, 0), adsk.core.Vector3D.create(1, 0, 0), adsk.core.Vector3D.create(0, 0, 1))
            angleValueInput.hasMinimumValue = False
            angleValueInput.hasMaximumValue = False

def run(context):
        global _app, _ui
        _app = adsk.core.Application.get()
        _ui = _app.userInterface

        # Get the existing command definition or create it if it doesn't already exist.
        cmdDef = _ui.commandDefinitions.itemById('cmdInputsSample')
        if not cmdDef:
            cmdDef = _ui.commandDefinitions.addButtonDefinition('cmdInputsSample', 'Command Inputs Sample', 'Sample to demonstrate various command inputs.')

        # Connect to the command created event.
        onCommandCreated = MyCommandCreatedHandler()

        # Execute the command definition.

        # Prevent this module from being terminated when the script returns, because we are waiting for event handlers to fire.
        if _ui:


Message 3 of 3
in reply to: OceanHydroAU

Thank you very much for your  help.  I had looked at the code before, but I'm new to coding, so this had so much going on that I couldn't follow it.  I ended up using to bold sample program and am now very close to what I need.  Some things are starting to make sence.

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